Ollie Lockley’s lockdown blog
Across the world, everyone is facing their own challenges in lockdown. Whether it be dealing with living alone, home schooling, working (or not working) from home or not being able to stick to a well-worn routine.
We asked RL360-sponsored distance runner Ollie Lockley how he’s coping with the effects of the global pandemic and an uncertain competitive future.
How I’m feeling
I am currently doing well both physically and mentally, and I have been keeping on top of my overall well-being by sticking to a structure. Because we are only allocated one form of activity outside per day, I have decided to do this in the late morning. This gives me time to sleep in a little longer, have a normal breakfast, and do any rehab/stretching I need to do. I then head out and do my prescribed run or training session by myself. I am used to training by myself so it is nothing unusual to be me, but I think being in this state of uncertainty as to when we can compete again, can be a little demotivating. However, this is the time when we just need to stay in touch with training and keep as conditioned as we can without doing too much. It is important that we don’t stop completely as it will be a lot harder to get back to where we were if we simply stop.
What I’m doing now
During this challenging time I try to stay motivated by stripping my training back to basics and to just enjoy running for what it is. There is something very motivational and inspiring just running through the countryside by yourself, being in the present moment and simply being able to relax and enjoy it. I am also working on different types of training and weaknesses that I would never normally add into my training programme. This includes hill work, fartlek training (a form of interval or speed training), cycling and adding more core/medball workouts. So having something different to do rather than pounding the concrete and running 100+ miles a week has been a nice change. It’s important to remember that our mental health is a priority at this current time, so if we can do activities that we we enjoy, which keep us in touch with our training - our consistency will be prolonged. Where the mind goes, the body follows!
What I’m doing to fill the days
Once I’ve done my run or single form of activity, I will have lunch and then spend most of the afternoon working on my laptop, doing chores (painting at the moment) or just relaxing. My down time consists of watching Netflix, drinking coffee, eating more food (if I’m honest) and being outside when we are able to do so. Throughout the week I am still doing my two core/stability sessions, in addition to two S&C sessions, so as not to lose my strength.

What are you finding hard to deal with?
I am finding not having a normal routine hard to deal with. It is hard to be disciplined towards keeping a structure when we can’t go to work, or have specific training to keep you accountable. For me, it is very important to have a structure because this is the glue that helps me get through my day effectively. Before COVID-19 I was balancing both my sports massage business with full-time training, while having big races on the horizon to aim for. When all this was taken away, it was hard to mentally deal with, but there is nothing I can do. Also, not being able to see friends and family is very hard to come to terms with, especially when we live on such a small island! This is why controlling what you can control is important. Do the best you can do with what you have. And if we do that then this will be over sooner than later. Unfortunately this situation is the same for everybody, so if we can all do our part and be sensible, we will all get through this together.
What are you enjoying if anything?
I am enjoying changing up my training, and not putting as much pressure on myself to perform. I tend to have high expectations of myself so being able to just relax and enjoy training a little more is great! I spend most of my time at the National Sports Centre working and training, so being able to train elsewhere is a positive change, which works well with different types of training. Also it’s nice to catch up with friends in the UK and USA more frequently, as I would not have as much time as I do now. Stay connected with good friends and loved ones is vital – especially at this current time. Furthermore, it is great to be outside when we can and enjoy what our beautiful island has to offer!
Thank you RL360
During this difficult time it’s hard to stay motivated and upbeat, but having RL360’s support is so reassuring. Their backing and assistance means a lot! Despite competitions across the world being put on hold or cancelled, and being limited in our daily dose of exercise, I am able to concentrate on different aspects of training and weaknesses. As much as I would love to get out there and compete, I appreciate the importance in taking a step back and I’m grateful for the support systems around me – thank you RL360.