RL360 reviews fund updates

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Fund updates

Our library of recent changes that affect our defined fund range products. To view our selection of educational articles written by investment professionals, click on the Fund Articles tab.

Fund updates

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Changes to Ninety One GS Global Multi-Asset Income Fund - Published: 25 Jul 2024
Published: 25 Jul 2024

Ninety One Global Strategy Fund have made changes to their Ninety One GS Global Multi-Asset Income Fund.

Segregation of Hong Kong assets - impacts Hong Kong designated policyholders - Published: 18 Jul 2024
Published: 18 Jul 2024

In line with the changing regulatory landscape in Hong Kong, it will become a regulatory requirement for our company to separate the assets of our insurance business carried on in or from Hong Kong, from the assets of our insurance business carried on in or from other jurisdictions.

Changes to various Fidelity funds - Published: 10 Jul 2024
Published: 10 Jul 2024

Fidelity has notified us of changes to the Sustainable Investing policy on a number of its funds. These changes will take effect from 30 July 2024.

Fund name and strategy changes - Invesco Responsible Japanese Equity Value Discovery Fund (UK) - Published: 26 Jun 2024
Published: 26 Jun 2024

Invesco has notified us of various changes to the investment policy and strategy of the fund, which will take effect on 1 July 2024. In line with this, the fund name will also be amended.

Closure of DWS Noor Precious Metals Securities Fund - Published: 19 Jun 2024
Published: 19 Jun 2024

Following a review the funds available to our Regular Savings and Investments fund range, we will be removing the DWS Noor Precious Metals Securities fund from the range. This will take effect 20 August 2024.

Investment objective changes to Invesco Sterling Bond Fund - Published: 12 Jun 2024
Published: 12 Jun 2024

Invesco Funds has notified us of amendments to the Invesco Sterling Bond Fund objective. These changes will take effect 15 July 2024.

Sustainability updates to Ninety One Global Environment Fund - Published: 03 May 2024
Published: 03 May 2024

Ninety One Luxembourg S.A has notified us they are making changes to the Ninety One Global Environment Fund sustainability disclosures.

This will take effect 31 May 2024.

Change of name of RobecoSAM Capital Growth Funds - Published: 02 May 2024
Published: 02 May 2024

We have received notification from RobecoSAM Capital Growth Funds of a change of name to their sub funds. This will take effect 27 May 2024.

Fund mergers - Credit Suisse (LUX) Portfolio Growth and Credit Suisse (LUX) Portfolio Balanced Funds - Published: 30 Apr 2024
Published: 30 Apr 2024

Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A. will be merging its Credit Suisse (Lux) Portfolio Growth and Credit Suisse (Lux) Portfolio Balanced funds into similar multi asset portfolio funds within the UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. fund range in May 2024.

BGF Emerging Europe Fund - Creation of New Fund for Liquid Assets - Published: 03 Apr 2024
Published: 03 Apr 2024

Following the March 2022 suspension of trading on the BGF Emerging Europe Fund due to the situation in Ukraine, BlackRock Global Funds has advised it will transfer the liquid portion of assets to a new fund with effect 13 May 2024; before repositioning the receiving fund with effect 17 June 2024.

Changes impacting Franklin U.S. Government Fund - Published: 11 Mar 2024
Published: 11 Mar 2024

Franklin Templeton has decided to amend the investment policy of its Franklin U.S. Government Fund to introduce investments into the "to-be-announced" market. This change will take effect 27 May 2024.

Various Changes to Franklin Templeton Funds - Published: 01 Mar 2024
Published: 01 Mar 2024

Franklin Templeton Investment Funds will be making changes to a number of its funds to formalise ESG investing principles and exclusions. Accordingly, changes will be made to the funds' investment objective. This will take effect 28 March 2024.

Notification of changes to the investment policy of Franklin Templeton Funds - Published: 31 Jan 2024
Published: 31 Jan 2024

Franklin Templeton Shariah Funds has notified us of amendments to the investment policy of Franklin Global Sukuk Fund and Templeton Shariah Global Equity Fund. This will take effect 26 February 2024.

Closure of the VAM Fund - Published: 19 Jan 2024
Published: 19 Jan 2024

We continually monitor the funds available to our defined fund range to ensure plan owners continue to have access to a high quality and diverse range of funds. As a result, we will be removing the VAM Fund from the range and switching plan owners into an alternative fund. This will take effect on 19 April 2024.

Various Changes to BlackRock Global Funds - Published: 19 Jan 2024
Published: 19 Jan 2024

BlackRock Global Funds will be making changes to a number of its funds to adopt ESG principles with effect 23 February 2024. Changes will be made to the funds' investment objective and/or investment strategy in line with this.

Fund updates - 2023

Change of name of Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) - Published: 20 Dec 2023
Published: 20 Dec 2023

We have received notification from Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) that the name change is now going ahead after being postponed. Effective date 22 January 2024.

Closure of A1 GBP Fund Share Class - MFS Meridian Funds - Published: 15 Dec 2023
Published: 15 Dec 2023

We have been informed by MFS Meridian Funds of its decision to close its ‘A1’ GBP share class, for two funds that feature in the RL360 defined fund range, with effect 12 January 2024.

Change of name of UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund - Published: 16 Nov 2023
Published: 16 Nov 2023

UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) has notified us that it will be changing the name of its UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund and making amendments to the Fund's investment policy. This will take effect 15 December 2023.

Fund closures - JPM Emerging Middle East Equity and JPM Emerging Europe Equity II - Published: 03 Nov 2023
Published: 03 Nov 2023

JPMorgan Funds has announced that it will be closing its JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Middle East Equity Fund and JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Europe Equity II Fund by way of merger on 14 December 2023.

Change of Name of Janus Henderson Global Equity Fund - Published: 01 Nov 2023
Published: 01 Nov 2023

We have been notified by Janus Henderson Investors that it will be changing the name of its Janus Henderson Global Equity Fund and making amendments to the Fund's investment strategy and sustainability approach. These changes will take effect on 29 November 2023.

Postponement of name change for Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) - Published: 11 Oct 2023
Published: 11 Oct 2023

Notification received by Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) the name change to abrdn Liquidity Fund (Lux) is postponed.

Notification of change to the Janus Henderson Pan European Absolute Return Fund - Published: 10 Oct 2023
Published: 10 Oct 2023

We have been notified by Janus Henderson Investors of an increase level of expected leverage of their Janus Henderson Horizon Pan European Absolute Return Fund with effect from 10 November 2023.

Renaming of funds within the Threadneedle (Lux) SICAV - Published: 29 Sep 2023
Published: 29 Sep 2023

Effective 20 November 2023, Threadneedle (Lux) fund names will change to reflect the Columbia Threadneedle brand. The Threadneedle prefix in each fund name will be replaced with 'CT'.

Closure of JPM US Small Cap Growth Fund - Published: 28 Sep 2023
Published: 28 Sep 2023

We continually monitor the funds available to our defined fund range to ensure plan owners continue to have access to a high quality and diverse range of funds. As a result, we will be removing JPM US Small Cap Growth Fund from the range.

Change of name of Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) - Published: 14 Sep 2023
Published: 14 Sep 2023

Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) has notified us of a change to their name to abrdn Liquidity Fund (Lux). The change will take effect 16 October 2023

Notification of changes to the investment policy of CT Funds - Published: 04 Aug 2023
Published: 04 Aug 2023

We have received a notification from Columbia Threadneedle Investments of amendments to the investment policy and benchmark on various CT Funds. This will take effect from 2 October 2023.

Further changes to Jupiter Dynamic Bond Fund - Published: 02 Aug 2023
Published: 02 Aug 2023

We have been notified by The Jupiter Global Fund of further changes to sub fund Jupiter Dynamic Bond. This is effective 2 August 2023.

Reclassification of MFS Emerging Market Debt Fund under SFDR - Published: 31 Jul 2023
Published: 31 Jul 2023

We have been notified by MFS Meridian Funds of a reclassification of SFDR for sub fund MFS Meridian Emerging Markets Debt. This will take effect 28 August 2023.

Notification of various changes to Fidelity Funds - Published: 18 Jul 2023
Published: 18 Jul 2023

We have been notified by Fidelity Funds of upcoming changes to its sub-funds. These changes will take effect from 11 August 2023.

Notification of Investment Policy Changes for Jupiter Dynamic Fund - Published: 06 Jul 2023
Published: 06 Jul 2023

We have received notification from The Jupiter Global Fund of a change in their investment policy for sub fund Jupiter Dynamic Bond. This will take effect 2 August 2023.

Creation of New Fund for Liquid Assets - Barings Eastern Europe Fund - Published: 05 Jul 2023
Published: 05 Jul 2023

Following the suspension of trading on the Barings Eastern Europe Fund in March 2022, due to the situation in Ukraine; Baring International Fund Managers has advised it will transfer the liquid portion of assets to a new fund with effect 21 July 2023.

Further increase in fees of UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund CHF - Published: 26 Jun 2023
Published: 26 Jun 2023

We have been notified of a further increase in the Flat and Management Fees in relation to the CHF share class UBS (Lux) Money Market Suitable Fund. This will take effect on 3 July 2023.

Change to the investment policy of First Eagle Amundi International Fund - Published: 07 Jun 2023
Published: 07 Jun 2023

We have received notification from First Eagle Amundi International of an increase of maximum exposure to commodities from 10% to 25%. This will take effect on 30 June 2023.

Fidelity Funds Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa - Russian assets fund split - Published: 16 May 2023
Published: 16 May 2023

The representative of Fidelity Funds SICAV has announced that it will be creating new share classes of the Fidelity Funds EMEA Fund in which the Russian assets of the funds' portfolio will be transferred. The effective date will be 5 June 2023. Click on this story for full details.

Further increase in fees of UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund - Published: 06 Apr 2023
Published: 06 Apr 2023

We have been notified of a further increase in the Flat and Management Fees in relation to the Euro and CHF share class UBS (Lux) Money Market Suitable Fund. This will take effect on 6 April 2023

Change to the investment policy of JPMorgan Pacific Securities Fund - Published: 30 Mar 2023
Published: 30 Mar 2023

We have received notification from J.P.Morgan Asset Management of a change to the investment policy on its Pacific Securities Fund. This will take effect on 28 April 2023.

Changes to the investment policy of CT Sterling Corporate Bond - Published: 28 Mar 2023
Published: 28 Mar 2023

We have received notification from Columbia Threadneedle Investments of amendments to the benchmark and investment policy on its CT Sterling Corporate Bond. This will take effect on 1 June 2023.

Further increase in fees of UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund - Published: 06 Mar 2023
Published: 06 Mar 2023

We have been notified of a further increase in the Flat and Management Fees in relation to the Euro share class UBS (Lux) Money Market Suitable Fund.

February 2023 sector review - closures impacting our defined fund ranges - Published: 28 Feb 2023
Published: 28 Feb 2023

We have completed the fourth stage of our latest review, part of an ongoing process to improve our defined fund ranges. We are closing a number of funds with switches into alternative funds in the range taking place between 3 and 17 May 2023. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants) and LifePlan.

Reopening of the Fidelity Funds - Asian High Yield Fund - Published: 27 Feb 2023
Published: 27 Feb 2023

Fidelity Funds has notified us of the reopening of its Asian High Yield Fund which came into effect 24 February 2023.

Change to the investment policy and fund name of BNY Mellon Global Equity Fund - Published: 13 Feb 2023
Published: 13 Feb 2023

BNY Mellon Global Funds, plc has informed us of a change to investment policy, objective and name of its BNY Mellon Global Equity Fund. The changes will take effect on 23 February 2023.

Change to investment policy of Franklin Templeton India Fund - Published: 13 Feb 2023
Published: 13 Feb 2023

Franklin Templeton Investment Funds has notified us of a change in the investment policy of its Franklin India Fund which will take effect on 10 March 2023.

Changes to the investment policy of Templeton China Fund - Published: 10 Feb 2023
Published: 10 Feb 2023

We have been notified by Franklin Templeton Funds of changes to the investment policy of Templeton China Fund which will take effect from 8 March 2023.

Amendment to the investment objective of Matthews Asia - Asia Dividend - Published: 10 Feb 2023
Published: 10 Feb 2023

Matthews Asia has notified us of an amendment to the wording within the investment objective of their Asia Dividend fund. The change will take effect from 17 February 2023.

Increase in fees of UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund - Published: 07 Feb 2023
Published: 07 Feb 2023

We have been notified of a change in Flat and Management Fees in relation to the CHF and EUR share classes of the UBS (Lux) Money Market Sustainable Fund. These changes will take place on 8 February 2023.

Fund update on suspension of trading of JPM Emerging Europe Equity - Published: 30 Jan 2023
Published: 30 Jan 2023

We have been notified by JPMorgan Funds that as the conflict with Russia and Ukraine has lasted longer than expected, they will be restructuring the fund to allow the non-Russian related assets in the fund to continue to be traded. The restructure is scheduled to take place on 17 February 2023.

Change to investment policy of Fidelity Multi-Asset Open Strategic Fund - Published: 27 Jan 2023
Published: 27 Jan 2023

We have received notification from Fidelity International of an upcoming change to the investment policy of its Fidelity Multi Asset Open Strategic Fund. These changes will take effect from 29 March 2023.

Various changes to Schroder BRIC Funds - Published: 25 Jan 2023
Published: 25 Jan 2023

Schroder International Selection Fund will be making a change to the fund name, investment objective and policy of its Schroder International Selection Fund BRIC on 18 April 2023.

Fund updates - 2022

Withdrawal of Hong Kong authorisation - Janus Henderson Horizon Euro Corporate Bond Fund - Published: 26 Oct 2022
Published: 26 Oct 2022

Due to lack of demand from investors, the Directors of Janus Henderson Horizon Fund have decided to withdraw the Janus Henderson Horizon Euro Corporate Bond Fund from the authorisation of the Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) in Hong Kong. This will take effect from 31 December 2022. This impacts Hong Kong Preference policyholders only. RL360 will be terminating the fund within our Hong Kong Preference fund range on 16 December 2022.

Fund merger - Barings Developed and Emerging Markets High Yield Bond Fund - Published: 25 Oct 2022
Published: 25 Oct 2022

On 2 December 2022, Barings will transfer its Barings Developed and Emerging Markets High Yield Bond Fund from its Barings Global Umbrella Fund range into the same fund in its Umbrella Fund plc range by way of a merger. This is to simplify the Barings fund range offering and improve the client experience. The merger will be conducted on a 1:1 merger ratio.

Removal from our defined fund range - Templeton Global Bond Fund - Published: 19 Oct 2022
Published: 19 Oct 2022

We continually monitor the funds available to our defined fund range to ensure plan owners continue to have access to a high quality and diverse range of funds , to help them meet their investment goals. As a result, we will be removing Templeton Global Bond Fund from the range.

Various changes - BNY Mellon Funds - Published: 10 Oct 2022
Published: 10 Oct 2022

BNY Mellon will be applying investment policy clarifications and investment strategy changes to the BNY Mellon Asian Equity and BNY Mellon Long-Term Global Equity funds, which feature in our defined fund ranges. The name of the BNY Mellon Asian Equity fund will also be updated. The changes will take effect on 7 November 2022.

Removal from Preference - BGF Japan Small & Midcap Opportunities - Published: 05 Oct 2022
Published: 05 Oct 2022

Due to lack of the demand from investors, RL360 has taken the decision to remove BGF Japan Small & Midcap Opportunities A2 Acc USD from the Preference fund range with effect 11 January 2023. The fund is now closed to further investment.

September 2022 sector review - Additions and closures impacting our defined fund ranges - Published: 30 Sep 2022
Published: 30 Sep 2022

RL360 has made additional improvements to its range of funds. This is the third stage of our latest review, part of an ongoing process to improve our defined fund ranges. Default fund switches for the funds that will be closing will take place between 28 and 30 November 2022. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants) and LifePlan.

Change to trust name, fund name and investment strategy – AXA Rosenberg All Country Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Smaller Companies - Published: 22 Sep 2022
Published: 22 Sep 2022

We have been informed by AXA Investment Managers that it will be making a change to the trust name, fund name and investment strategy of its AXA Rosenberg All Country Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Smaller Companies Fund on 23 September 2022.

Various changes to Janus Henderson Global Responsible Managed Fund - Published: 22 Sep 2022
Published: 22 Sep 2022

We have been notified by Janus Henderson Investors of upcoming changes to its Janus Henderson Global Responsible Managed Fund. These changes will take effect from the 10 October 2022.

Various changes to Janus Henderson Capital Funds - Published: 16 Sep 2022
Published: 16 Sep 2022

We have been notified by Janus Henderson Capital Funds PLC (the “Company”) of upcoming changes to its sub-funds. The changes will take effect from 31 October 2022 (the “Effective Date”).

Various changes to Janus Henderson Horizon Funds - Published: 14 Sep 2022
Published: 14 Sep 2022

We have been notified by Janus Henderson Horizon Fund (the “Company”) of the following upcoming changes to its sub-funds listed in the table below. These changes will take effect from the 1 October 2022 (the “Effective Date"), unless otherwise stated.

Closure and disinvestment of BNP Paribas mutual funds on the RL360 platform - Published: 08 Aug 2022
Published: 08 Aug 2022

RL360 has been notified by BNP Paribas Asset Management of its strategic decision to no longer offer its range of mutual funds through the RL360 platform and have requested RL360 to disinvest from its funds by the end of September 2022. BNP Paribas will no longer accept any new subscriptions, therefore we have had to take immediate action with regard to regular premium products. Read this update for more details.

Various changes to BlackRock Global Funds - Published: 05 Aug 2022
Published: 05 Aug 2022

Notification by BlackRock Global Funds ("BlackRock") of various changes to its sub-funds that will take effect from 30 August 2022.

Subscription closure - Pictet Water fund - Published: 04 Aug 2022
Published: 04 Aug 2022

With effect from 4 August 2022, the fund will be closed to new subscriptions and switches-in in relation to our defined fund range products listed below.

Removal of various JPMorgan funds from our defined fund ranges - Published: 03 Aug 2022
Published: 03 Aug 2022

JPMorgan has announced the merger of its UK domiciled fund A share classes into its C share classes. This impacts funds in our defined fund ranges. We will be taking action on 31 August, switching holdings into alternative funds within the range.

Investment Management change - Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend fund - Published: 05 Jul 2022
Published: 05 Jul 2022

Notification of change to the investment management arrangement of Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend fund

Various changes to JPMorgan funds (Asia) - Published: 28 Jun 2022
Published: 28 Jun 2022

We have been notified by JPMorgan Funds (Asia) of changes regarding its Adjustment Mechanism.

Brand changes - Tilney funds - Published: 23 Jun 2022
Published: 23 Jun 2022

Following the merger of the Tilney Group with Smith & Williamson, the merged group has rebranded to Evelyn Partners. Tilney funds have changed their pre-fix to Evelyn.

Various changes to MFS Meridian Funds - Published: 22 Jun 2022
Published: 22 Jun 2022

We have been notified by MFS Meridian Funds that four of its funds will be designated and comply with Article 8 of SFDR with effect from 21 July 2022.

Fund name changes - Threadneedle UK OEIC fund names - Published: 01 Jun 2022
Published: 01 Jun 2022

Effective 1 July 2022, Threadneedle UK OEIC fund names will be amended to more closely reflect the Columbia Threadneedle brand. The Threadneedle prefix in each fund name will be replaced with 'CT'.

Fund name changes - rebrand of BMO funds - Published: 30 May 2022
Published: 30 May 2022

BMO has advised that it will be rebranding BMO to Columbia Threadneedle Investments following the acquisition by Columbia Threadneedle’s parent, Ameriprise Financial, in 2021. Aligned with this rebrand, the BMO fund ranges will be renamed with the prefix ‘CT’ from 4 July 2022.

Various changes to Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Published: 30 May 2022
Published: 30 May 2022

Franklin Templeton Investment Funds has advised of various changes to the investment policies of its sub-funds. These changes will take effect from 24 June 2022.

Change to benchmark index of BGF Latin American Fund - Published: 30 May 2022
Published: 30 May 2022

We have been informed by BlackRock Global Funds that it will be making a change the benchmark index of the BGP Latin American Fund on 29 June 2022.

May 2022 sector review - A fresh look at the defined fund range - Published: 17 May 2022
Published: 17 May 2022

RL360 has made additional improvements to its range of funds. This is the second stage of our latest review, part of an ongoing process to improve our defined fund ranges. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants), LifePlan, LifePlan Lebanon and Protected Lifestyle.

Russian-related fund suspension - Temporary removal of funds from plans - Published: 13 May 2022
Published: 13 May 2022

During the period that the impacted Russian-related funds are suspended from trading, the funds will be temporarily removed from plans to allow the plans to be administered as normal. Once we receive notification that the funds are unsuspended, the funds’ unit holdings will be added back into the affected plans.

Various changes to Ninety One Global Strategy Funds - Published: 06 May 2022
Published: 06 May 2022

We have been informed by Ninety One Global Strategy Fund of various changes to its sub-funds. These changes will take effect from 13 June.

Change to fund name and investment policy – Invesco Global High Income Fund - Published: 29 Mar 2022
Published: 29 Mar 2022

We have been informed by Invesco Funds that it will be making a change to the name, investment objective and policy of its Invesco Global High Income Fund on 29 April 2022.

Change of charity organisation - BNP Paribas Islamic Fund - Published: 24 Mar 2022
Published: 24 Mar 2022

BNP Paribas Islamic Fund has changed charity organisation to Médecins Sans Frontières. This will be updated in the March 2022 Luxembourg Prospectus.

Various changes to Canaccord (CGWM) Funds - Published: 21 Mar 2022
Published: 21 Mar 2022

Canaccord will be making some changes to the sub-funds of the Canaccord Genuity Investment Fund Plc, which include change of management company and name changes to the sub-funds. These are expected to take effect from 1 April 2022.

Various changes - Aberdeen Standard SICAV I - Published: 18 Mar 2022
Published: 18 Mar 2022

Abrdn have informed us of various ESG related changes to its Aberdeen Standard SICAV I fund range.

Fund suspension - Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF - Published: 09 Mar 2022
Published: 09 Mar 2022

Janus Henderson has announced that with effect from the 12-noon valuation point on 3 March 2022 the Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF (the "Fund") has been suspended.

Suspension of trading activity for funds with exposure to Russia - Published: 02 Mar 2022
Published: 02 Mar 2022

Due to the increasing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, market conditions have been significantly impaired causing trading issues for funds have high exposure to Russia. We have had to take immediate action in relation to funds that featured in our defined fund ranges.

Soft closure - Fidelity Funds Asian High Yield Fund - Published: 25 Feb 2022
Published: 25 Feb 2022

Due to the growing fund size of the Fidelity Funds Asian High Yield Fund, which features in our Savings and Investment and LifePlan defined fund ranges, Fidelity need to impose strict capacity constraints in order to limit flows into the Fund. As such, it has been necessary to close the fund to new investors and switches-in with immediate effect. Click on this story for details of how this impacts existing investors.

February 2022 sector review of our defined fund range - Published: 14 Feb 2022
Published: 14 Feb 2022

We have commenced another review cycle of the sectors in our defined fund range as part of our ongoing monitoring of the choices available for policyholders. There are a number of new additions and closures which impact products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants), LifePlan and Protected Lifestyle.

Preference fund range closure - Janus Henderson Emerging Markets Fund - Published: 11 Feb 2022
Published: 11 Feb 2022

Following a review, the Janus Henderson Emerging Markets fund will be removed from the Preference fund range. We have written to plan owners who are impacted by the closure.

Change to fund name and investment policy – JPM Global Socially Responsible Fund - Published: 12 Jan 2022
Published: 12 Jan 2022

We have been informed by JPMorgan Funds that it will be making a change to the name and investment policy of its JPM Global Socially Responsible Fund on 25 February 2022.

Fund merger – Schroder ISF Middle East Fund - Published: 07 Jan 2022
Published: 07 Jan 2022

Schroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A. has announced that it will be closing its Schroder ISF Middle East Fund by way of merger on 21 February 2022. For our defined fund range plan owners we are not accepting the merger and instead will switch holdings into the JPM Emerging Middle East Equity Fund on 28 January 2022.

Fund updates - 2021

Various changes - IFSL Brooks Macdonald funds - Published: 13 Dec 2021
Published: 13 Dec 2021

IFSL has announced they are retiring as Authorised Corporate Director of the Brooks Macdonald funds which feature in our defined fund range. As a result of this there are a number of changes to the IFSL Brooks Macdonald funds which will take effect 18 December 2021.

Fund merger - Threadneedle UK Select Fund - Published: 06 Dec 2021
Published: 06 Dec 2021

Columbia Threadneedle Investments has announced that it has merged its Threadneedle UK Select Fund (“the Merged Fund”) into Threadneedle UK Fund (“the Receiving Fund”), with effect from 19 November 2021.

Change to investment policy – various Matthews Asia funds - Published: 17 Nov 2021
Published: 17 Nov 2021

Matthews Asia Funds has announced a change to the investment policies of various funds in its range which will take effect 15 December 2021.

Change to sustainability approach - Jupiter European Growth Funds - Published: 17 Nov 2021
Published: 17 Nov 2021

Jupiter Asset Management International S.A. has announced a change to the sustainability approach of the Jupiter European Growth fund which will take effect 16 December 2021

Change to investment policy – Threadneedle (Lux) funds - Published: 05 Nov 2021
Published: 05 Nov 2021

Threadneedle Management Luxembourg SA has announced an amendment to the investment policy of a number of funds in their range which will take effect 1 December 2021

Change to fund name and investment policy – UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - Published: 28 Oct 2021
Published: 28 Oct 2021

UBS has announced a change to the fund name and investment policy of its UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund which will take effect 26 November 2021.

October 2021 – Changes to the Responsible Investing sector - Published: 11 Oct 2021
Published: 11 Oct 2021

Following a review of the Responsible Investing sector, RL360 are making some changes to the range. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan and LifePlan (including Malaysia variants).

Change to fund name – RobecoSAM Global Gender Equality Impact Equities - Published: 06 Oct 2021
Published: 06 Oct 2021

Robeco Capital Growth Funds has announced a change to the fund name of its RobecoSAM Global Gender Equality Impact Equities fund, which will take effect 29 October 2021.

Change to investment policy – UBS (Lux) Equity Fund – Biotech (USD) - Published: 04 Oct 2021
Published: 04 Oct 2021

UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. has announced a change to the investment policy of its UBS (Lux) Equity Fund – Biotech (USD) to incorporate ESG, which will take effect 27 October 2021.

September 2021 - Changes to the protection fund ranges - Published: 28 Sep 2021
Published: 28 Sep 2021

RL360 are taking the opportunity to review the fund range available to our protection products to ensure they continue to be appropriate and to align them to those available to our regular and single premium products in our defined fund range. Impacts products: LifePlan, LifePlan Lebanon, Protected Lifestyle and Protected Lifestyle Lebanon.

Subscription closure - Pictet Global Environmental Opportunities Fund - Published: 23 Sep 2021
Published: 23 Sep 2021

Following the introduction of monthly trading limits and the soft closure of the fund by Pictet Asset Management (Europe) S.A. Luxembourg, we have now closed the fund to new subscriptions and switches-in. Plan owners who already have a unit holding in the fund can continue to invest. Impacts our defined fund range products Regular Savings Plan and Quantum (including Malaysia variants), Oracle and Paragon.

Various changes - Schroder ISF Funds - Published: 16 Sep 2021
Published: 16 Sep 2021

Schroder ISF has announced various changes to its fund range which will take effect between 29 October and 2 November 2021.

Change to mainland China exposure - Aberdeen Standard SICAV I – Asian Smaller Companies Fund - Published: 07 Sep 2021
Published: 07 Sep 2021

Aberdeen Standard Investments has announced a change to mainland China exposure on its Aberdeen Standard SICAV I – Asian Smaller Companies Fund which will take effect 1 October 2021.

Various changes – Schroder ISF Funds - Published: 26 Aug 2021
Published: 26 Aug 2021

Schroder International Selection Fund has announced various changes to its fund range which will take effect 3 September 2021.

Various changes - Invesco Funds - Published: 25 Aug 2021
Published: 25 Aug 2021

Invesco has announced various changes to its fund range which will take effect between September and October 2021.

Change to investment horizon – Various Momentum Global Funds - Published: 24 Aug 2021
Published: 24 Aug 2021

Momentum Global Funds has amended the investment horizon for various funds in its fund range, which took effect 16 August 2021.

Change to fund name, investment policy and investment strategy – Invesco Japan Fund (UK) - Published: 17 Aug 2021
Published: 17 Aug 2021

Invesco has announced a change to the fund name, investment policy and investment strategy of its Invesco Japan Fund (UK) which took effect 21 June 2021.

Change to fund name, investment objective and policy – Fidelity Funds Australia - Published: 12 Aug 2021
Published: 12 Aug 2021

Fidelity Funds has announced a change to the fund name and investment objective and policy of its Fidelity Funds Australia Fund which will take effect 26 October 2021.

Change to performance benchmark, investment objective and policy – BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Diversified Return - Published: 11 Aug 2021
Published: 11 Aug 2021

BNY Fund Managers Limited has announced a change to the performance benchmark, investment objective and policy of its BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Diversified Return Fund which will take effect 1 October 2021.

Change to fund name, investment manager and investment policy – VAM Managed Funds (Lux) – Driehaus Fund - Published: 09 Aug 2021
Published: 09 Aug 2021

VAM Managed Funds (Lux) has announced a change to the fund name, investment manager and investment policy of its VAM Managed Funds (Lux) – Driehaus Fund which will take effect 1 September 2021.

June 2021 sector review – Further enhancing our defined fund range. - Published: 18 Jun 2021
Published: 18 Jun 2021

RL360 are making further enhancements to our defined fund range products. This is the final stage in a round of reviews to improve our defined fund ranges. Impacts products: LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle and Protected Lifestyle Lebanon.

Withdrawal of Hong Kong authorisation - Threadneedle UK Select Fund - Published: 11 Jun 2021
Published: 11 Jun 2021

As part of a review, Threadneedle Investment Funds ICVC will apply to the Hong Kong regulator, the SFC, for withdrawal of authorisation to market its Threadneedle UK Select Fund to the public in Hong Kong with effect 1 September 2021. With immediate effect, Threadneedle has stopped accepting subscriptions and conversions from new Hong Kong investors.

Change to investment policy – Franklin Global Sukuk Fund - Published: 19 May 2021
Published: 19 May 2021

Franklin Templeton has announced a change to the investment policy of its Franklin Global Sukuk Fund which will take effect from 15 June 2021.

Fund merger - DWS Noor Precious Metals Securities fund - Published: 23 Apr 2021
Published: 23 Apr 2021

DWS Investments Singapore Limited has announced that it will be merging its DWS Noor Precious Metals Securities Fund (the Merging Fund, a sub-fund of DWS Noor Islamic Funds plc) into the DWS Noor Precious Metals Securities Fund (the Receiving Fund, a sub-fund of DWS Invest (IE) ICAV (the ICAV)) on Friday 28 May 2021. In advance of the merger, we have now closed the fund to new business and switches-in to all defined fund range products. The Receiving fund will be available in the Savings and Investments fund range after 31 May 2021.

Change to fund name and investment policy – JPM Global Unconstrained Equity - Published: 29 Mar 2021
Published: 29 Mar 2021

JPMorgan has announced a change to the fund name and investment policy of its JPM Global Unconstrained Equity fund which will take effect 1 April 2021.

Merger of Legg Mason ICVC A (Retail) share classes - Published: 02 Mar 2021
Published: 02 Mar 2021

Legg Mason has announced the merger of its ICVC A (retail) share classes into its X (non-retail) share classes with effect 10 May 2021. However, RL360 will be taking a different course of action for certain plan owners prior to the merger date.

Proposed merger – Janus Henderson UK & Irish Smaller Companies fund - Published: 12 Feb 2021
Published: 12 Feb 2021

Janus Henderson have proposed that on 18 March 2021, the Janus Henderson UK & Irish Smaller Companies fund will close by way of merger subject to a shareholder vote via Extraordinary General Meeting.

End of suspension - Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF - Published: 08 Feb 2021
Published: 08 Feb 2021

Janus Henderson Investors has announced it will lift the trading suspension on the Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF on 24 February 2021. At this point subscriptions and redemptions will once again be accepted.

Liquidation - Aberdeen Standard Islamic Global Equity fund - Published: 05 Feb 2021
Published: 05 Feb 2021

Aberdeen Standard Investments has decided to close its Islamic Global Equity fund by way of liquidation on 2 March 2021 due to its declining fund size.

January 2021 sector review – Progressive enhancement to our defined fund range. - Published: 15 Jan 2021
Published: 15 Jan 2021

RL360 are progressively enhancing our defined fund range products. This is the sixth stage in an ongoing review to improve our defined fund ranges. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants), LifePlan, LifePlan Lebanon, Protected Lifestyle and Protected Lifestyle Lebanon.

Share class redenomination – various Janus Henderson funds - Published: 15 Jan 2021
Published: 15 Jan 2021

Janus Henderson has announced a share class redenomination to various funds in its fund range, which will take effect from 6 April 2021

Fund updates - 2020

Change to investment objective – Fidelity Multi Asset Open Strategic fund - Published: 25 Nov 2020
Published: 25 Nov 2020

Fidelity has announced a change to the investment objective to its Multi Asset Open Strategic fund which took effect 12 November 2020.

Change to fund name and investment policy – Fidelity European Opportunities fund - Published: 24 Nov 2020
Published: 24 Nov 2020

Fidelity has announced a change to the fund name and investment policy of its Fidelity European Opportunities fund which will take effect 27 January 2020

Various changes – LF Miton Cautious Multi Asset fund - Published: 18 Nov 2020
Published: 18 Nov 2020

Link Fund Solutions has announced a change to the fund name, clarification of investment objective and policy, change of registrar / administrator and reduction in fees to its LF Miton Multi Asset fund which will take effect from 27 November 2020.

Proposed change to fund name and reduction in fees – Various Guinness Global Funds - Published: 18 Nov 2020
Published: 18 Nov 2020

Guinness Asset Management has proposed various changes to funds in its fund range, which will take effect from 7 December 2020

Various changes – Fidelity funds - Published: 17 Nov 2020
Published: 17 Nov 2020

Fidelity has announced a number of changes to various funds across its range, which will take effect between 16 December 2020 and 24 February 2021 (the latter date is currently provisional).

Update - Global Strategic Balanced broker fund - Published: 09 Nov 2020
Published: 09 Nov 2020

This is an update for the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund which suspended trading in March 2013 following the suspension of its underlying fund link, as a consequence of liquidity problems. The Court has now moved this into formal Winding-up/Liquidation.

Fund merger - Goldman Sachs BRIC Equity Portfolio fund - Published: 23 Oct 2020
Published: 23 Oct 2020

On 16 November 2020, the Goldman Sachs BRIC Equity Portfolio fund will close by way of merger. For our defined fund range plan owners we are not accepting the merger and will instead will switch holdings into the Schroder ISF BRIC fund a few days before the merger.

Change to fund name, investment objective and reduction in fees – Threadneedle (Lux) – Pan European Equities - Published: 01 Oct 2020
Published: 01 Oct 2020

Threadneedle has announced a change to the fund name, investment objective and a reduction in fees to its Threadneedle (Lux) – Pan European Equities fund which will take affect from 2 October 2020.

October 2020 sector review – fine tuning our defined fund range - Published: 01 Oct 2020
Published: 01 Oct 2020

RL360 are continuously fine tuning our defined fund range products. This is the fifth stage in an ongoing review to improve our defined fund ranges. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants) and LifePlan.

Fund mergers – Multipartner SICAV - RobecoSAM funds - Published: 08 Sep 2020
Published: 08 Sep 2020

Multipartner SICAV has announced that it will be merging a number of funds into corresponding sub-funds from the Robeco Capital Growth fund range which will take effect from 30 October 2020.

Change to fund name and clarification of investment policy – Invesco UK Growth Fund (UK) - Published: 21 Aug 2020
Published: 21 Aug 2020

Invesco has announced a change to the fund name and clarification of the investment policy of its Invesco UK Growth Fund (UK) which will take effect from 17 September 2020.

Change to fund name – Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders fund - Published: 19 Aug 2020
Published: 19 Aug 2020

First State has announced a change to the fund name of its Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders fund which will take effect from 22 September 2020.

Change of manager – JPMorgan India Fund - Published: 18 Aug 2020
Published: 18 Aug 2020

JPMorgan has announced a change to the fund manager of its JPMorgan India fund which will take effect from 31 August 2020.

Change to fund name and investment policy – Invesco Asia Balanced fund - Published: 31 Jul 2020
Published: 31 Jul 2020

Invesco has announced a change to the fund name and investment policy of its Invesco Asia Balanced fund which will take affect from 14 August 2020.

July 2020 sector review – introducing responsible investing to our defined fund ranges - Published: 24 Jul 2020
Published: 24 Jul 2020

RL360 are adding a number of funds that focus on responsible investing to our defined fund range products. This is the fourth stage in a continuous review to improve our defined fund ranges. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants), Protected Lifestyle and LifePlan.

Lifting of Soft closure - Pictet CH Precious Metals Physical Gold fund - Published: 20 Jul 2020
Published: 20 Jul 2020

Pictet Asset Management announce the soft closure of the Pictet CH Precious Metals Physical Gold fund has been lifted with immediate effect.

Liquidation date brought forward - JPM Indonesia Equity fund - Published: 26 Jun 2020
Published: 26 Jun 2020

JPMorgan Funds has decided to liquidate the fund one month earlier than first notified. The liquidation date has moved from 27 July 2020 to 29 June 2020.

Various changes – Janus Henderson Horizon funds - Published: 24 Jun 2020
Published: 24 Jun 2020

Janus Henderson is making a number of changes to its Horizon fund range amending the fund name, objective and/or investment policy of various funds. The changes will take affect from 1 July 2020.

Fund documents in Spanish and Portuguese - Published: 05 Jun 2020
Published: 05 Jun 2020

We’re now providing you with easy access to Spanish and Portuguese versions of key fund documents.

Liquidation - JPM Indonesia Equity fund - Published: 14 May 2020
Published: 14 May 2020

JPMorgan Funds has decided to close its Indonesia Equity fund by way of liquidation on 27 July 2020 due to its declining fund size. In preparation for the liquidation, the fund is now closed to new subscriptions.

April 2020 sector review – further improvements to our defined fund ranges - Published: 17 Apr 2020
Published: 17 Apr 2020

Following the third stage of a review of our defined fund ranges, RL360 are adding new funds to a number of their defined fund range products. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Regular Savings Plan (including Malaysia variants) and LifePlan.

Share class liquidation of Liontrust funds – including Liontrust Russia - Published: 02 Apr 2020
Published: 02 Apr 2020

Liontrust has taken the decision to no longer support non-Sterling share classes of its onshore, Global Equity fund range and intend to liquidate the USD and EUR classes on 1 May 2020. This includes the Liontrust Russia USD share class which features in our definded fund ranges.

Soft closure - Pictet CH Precious Metals Physical Gold fund - Published: 01 Apr 2020
Published: 01 Apr 2020

Due to difficult trading conditions in Europe, as a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic, the fund has been forced to temporarily soft close with effect 26 March 2020. We have had to take immediate action for our defined fund range products that are making regular payments into the fund, directing payments into an alternative fund.

'A' share class closure of Kames funds - including Ethical Equity and Ethical Cautious Managed - Published: 25 Mar 2020
Published: 25 Mar 2020

Kames Capital plc will close a number of its ‘A’ share classes on 24 April 2020. This includes the Ethical Equity and Ethical Cautious Managed funds which feature in our defined fund ranges.

Fund suspension - Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF - Published: 19 Mar 2020
Published: 19 Mar 2020

Janus Henderson Investors has announced the suspension of all dealing activity on the Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF with effect from 12 noon on 16 March 2020 until further notice. This is due to uncertainty around the valuation of UK physical properties across the market due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Investec Asset Management to rebrand as Ninety One - Published: 27 Feb 2020
Published: 27 Feb 2020

Investec Asset Management has advised its new name and branding following its demerger from the Investec Group. The changes will take place during the first quarter of 2020.

Our new Fund Knowledge Centre - Published: 20 Feb 2020
Published: 20 Feb 2020

The world of investment choice and portfolio performance can be confusing, especially when you are at the beginning of your investment journey.

January 2020 sector review - Our defined fund ranges just got even better - Published: 21 Jan 2020
Published: 21 Jan 2020

The second stage of a review of our defined fund ranges has been completed and the results are in. Further enhancements have been made to help you achieve your clients’ investment goals. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle, Regular Savings Plan and Quantum (including Malaysia variants).

Fund updates - 2019

Change to investment policy - Invesco Global High Income Fund - Published: 19 Dec 2019
Published: 19 Dec 2019

Invesco has announced a change to the investment policy of its Invesco Global High Income Fund which will take effect from 27 January 2020.

Fund removals that affect Kudos - Published: 26 Nov 2019
Published: 26 Nov 2019

Following a review, RL360 are removing two funds from the Kudos range.

Change to investment policy – Fidelity Funds - Published: 14 Nov 2019
Published: 14 Nov 2019

Fidelity has announced a change to the investment policies of its range of unit trusts which took effect from 31 October 2019.

Liquidation - Franklin Global Listed Infrastructure Fund - Published: 08 Nov 2019
Published: 08 Nov 2019

After careful analysis and review, the Board of Directors at Franklin Templeton has decided to exit the Listed Infrastructure strategy due to the departure of the dedicated portfolio management team of the fund. The fund has immediately closed to subscriptions and will formally close by way of liquidation on 17 January 2020. Guided-architecture plan owners have been switched out of the fund ahead of the liquidation date.

Change to investment policy – Investec Global Multi-Asset Income Fund - Published: 31 Oct 2019
Published: 31 Oct 2019

Investec has announced a change to the investment policy of its Investec Global Multi-Asset Income Fund which will take effect from 29 November 2019.

October 2019 sector review - Our defined fund ranges just got better - Published: 15 Oct 2019
Published: 15 Oct 2019

Selecting the right funds for your client's plans is just as important to us as it is to you. After all, we both want our clients to achieve their investment goals. That’s why we’ve just completed a fund review of some of the investment sectors in our defined fund ranges and the results are in. Impacts products: Oracle, Paragon, LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle, Regular Savings Plan and Quantum (including Malaysia variants).

Fund merger – Templeton Thailand Fund - Published: 07 Oct 2019
Published: 07 Oct 2019

Franklin Templeton has announced its intention to merge its Templeton Thailand fund into the Templeton Asian Growth Fund with effect from 13 December 2019.

Change to investment policy – BlackRock UK funds - Published: 25 Sep 2019
Published: 25 Sep 2019

BlackRock has announced a change to the investment policies of its range of unit trusts which took effect from 7 August 2019.

Change to investment policy – Schroder funds - Published: 25 Sep 2019
Published: 25 Sep 2019

Schroder has announced a change to the investment policies of its range of unit trusts which took effect from 7 August 2019.

Fund name change – Neptune Russia Fund - Published: 24 Sep 2019
Published: 24 Sep 2019

With effect from 1 October 2019 all Neptune Investment Management funds will undergo a name change following its acquisition by Liontrust Investment Management Limited.

Various changes - Fidelity Investment Funds - Published: 09 Sep 2019
Published: 09 Sep 2019

Fidelity has made a number of changes to its Fidelity Investment Fund ranges to make it easier for investors to understand how the funds are managed. The N share classes have also been renamed to W. The changes took effect 30 August 2019.

Proposed liquidation - Amundi Islamic Funds - Published: 03 Sep 2019
Published: 03 Sep 2019

Amundi Funds has announced its intention to liquidate its Islamic BRIC Quant, Islamic Global Resources and Islamic Asia Pacific Quant funds due to their relatively small assets under management. An EGM of shareholders will take place on 4 September 2019, upon which the resolution to dissolve the funds will be decided. We have taken pre-emptive action ahead of the EGM for plan owners affected by this corporate action.

Fund name changes – GAM Star funds - Published: 15 Aug 2019
Published: 15 Aug 2019

GAM Investments ("GAM") has announced name changes to funds across its range which will take effect from 6 September 2019.

Proposed fund name and investment policy change – Aberdeen Islamic SICAV - Published: 09 Aug 2019
Published: 09 Aug 2019

On 8 August 2019 Aberdeen Standard Investments (“Aberdeen”) is proposing to change the name and investment policy of its Aberdeen Islamic SICAV Islamic Global Equity Fund.

Change to investment policy - Janus Henderson Multi-Manager Managed Fund - Published: 07 Aug 2019
Published: 07 Aug 2019

Janus Henderson has announced a change to the investment policy of its Janus Henderson Multi-Manager Managed Fund which will take effect from 7 August 2019.

Various fund objective and policy wording updates – Threadneedle Funds - Published: 26 Jul 2019
Published: 26 Jul 2019

Columbia Threadneedle ("Threadneedle") has announced various changes to funds across its range which will take effect from 7 August 2019.

Various fund policy and name changes – Parvest Funds - Published: 24 Jul 2019
Published: 24 Jul 2019

BNP Paribas Asset Management Limited ("BNP") has announced various changes to funds across its range which will take effect from 30 August 2019.

Various fund objective, policy and name changes – Neptune Funds - Published: 24 Jul 2019
Published: 24 Jul 2019

Neptune Investment Management Ltd ("Neptune") has announced various changes to funds across its range which will take effect from 7 August 2019.

Fund objective, policy and name changes – Threadneedle UK Corporate Bond Fund - Published: 15 Jul 2019
Published: 15 Jul 2019

Effective from 31 August 2019, Columbia Threadneedle will be making changes to the objective and policy of the Threadneedle UK Corporate Bond Fund. At the same time it will also change the fund’s name to Threadneedle Sterling Corporate Bond Fund. It believes these changes provide a better description of how the fund is managed.

Various prospectus changes - Kames Capital funds - Published: 09 Jul 2019
Published: 09 Jul 2019

Kames Capital will be making prospectus changes for their funds, some of which will be effective 7 August 2019 and some 7 September 2019. There will also be some investment policy changes which affect some of our guided-architecture products.

Fund objective and name changes - Aberdeen Standard Investments UK funds - Published: 08 Jul 2019
Published: 08 Jul 2019

Effective 7 August 2019, Aberdeen Standard Investments will be making changes to the objectives of some of its funds to provide clarity on how they are managed. At the same time it will be changing the names of the majority of its UK funds generally to include the ASI prefix at the beginning of each UK fund name in place of "Aberdeen" or "Standard Life Investments".

Fund closure - Threadneedle Absolute Return Bond Fund - Published: 06 Jun 2019
Published: 06 Jun 2019

Columbia Threadneedle has announced its intention to close its Threadneedle Absolute Return Bond Fund with effect from 26 July 2019.

Fund name changes – Newton Oriental Fund and Newton UK Income Fund - Published: 03 Jun 2019
Published: 03 Jun 2019

With effect from 10 June 2019 the Newton Oriental Fund and the Newton UK Income Fund will undergo a name change following internal rebranding at BNY Mellon after their historic acquisition of Newton in 1998.

Fund merger - Amundi Funds Equity Greater China fund - Published: 07 May 2019
Published: 07 May 2019

Amundi has announced its intention to merge its Amundi Funds Equity Greater China fund into the Amundi Funds China Equity Fund with effect from 21 June 2019.

Fund merger - Amundi Funds Equity India infrastructure fund - Published: 07 May 2019
Published: 07 May 2019

Amundi has announced its intention to merge its Amundi Funds Equity India Infrastructure fund into the Amundi Funds SBI FM Equity India fund with effect from 31 May 2019.

Fund merger – Amundi Funds Equity Thailand fund - Published: 07 May 2019
Published: 07 May 2019

Amundi has announced its intention to merge its Amundi Funds Equity Thailand fund into the Amundi Funds Equity Asia Concentrated fund with effect from 31 May 2019.

Fund name change - Guinness Alternative Energy Fund - Published: 29 Apr 2019
Published: 29 Apr 2019

With effect from 18 April 2019, the fund will be renamed Guinness Sustainable Energy Fund.

Clarification of investment policy - Janus Henderson Horizon European Equity Funds - Published: 01 Mar 2019
Published: 01 Mar 2019

With effect from 29 March 2019, Janus Henderson Investors will be clarifying the investment policy for four Janus Henderson Horizon European Equity Funds that reference the European Economic Area ("EEA") in their policy.

Fund name change - BlackRock Global Funds Global Opportunities Fund - Published: 22 Feb 2019
Published: 22 Feb 2019

With effect from 25 March 2019, the fund will be renamed BlackRock Global Funds Global Long-Horizon Equity Fund.

Fund name changes - Aberdeen Global funds - Published: 11 Feb 2019
Published: 11 Feb 2019

Effective 11 February 2019, Aberdeen Global is renaming to Aberdeen Standard SICAV I, with all affected sub-funds changing name accordingly.

Liquidation - Amundi Funds Equity Korea Fund - Published: 06 Feb 2019
Published: 06 Feb 2019

Amundi Funds has advised it will liquidate its Equity Korea fund on 4 March 2019. We will be taking action for our guided-architecture policyholders ahead of the liquidation date. Click here for more details.

Clarification of investment objective - M&G Recovery fund - Published: 04 Feb 2019
Published: 04 Feb 2019

Effective 1 March 2019, the investment objective and policy of the M&G Recovery fund will be changed in order to provide clarification.

Fund name change - Deutsche Noor Precious Metals Securities fund - Published: 23 Jan 2019
Published: 23 Jan 2019

Deutsche Noor Islamic Funds Plc has advised that it is changing its company name to DWS Noor Islamic Funds Plc, with accompanying sub-fund name changes, effective 8 February 2019

Fund name changes - Aberdeen Liquidity Fund (Lux) - Published: 21 Jan 2019
Published: 21 Jan 2019

Effective 21 January 2019, the directors of Aberdeen Liquidity Fund (Lux) are changing the company name to Aberdeen Standard Liquidity Fund (Lux) with all sub-funds changing name accordingly.

Fund mergers - Fidelity Multi Asset funds - Published: 21 Jan 2019
Published: 21 Jan 2019

Fidelity has advised of their intention to merge the assets of the Fidelity Multi Asset Defensive, Strategic and Growth funds and the Fidelity Wealthbuilder fund into equivalent funds in the Fidelity Multi Asset Open fund range, effective in three tranches in February and March 2019.

Fund updates - 2018

Share class transfer - Threadneedle Global Select fund (USD) - Published: 19 Dec 2018
Published: 19 Dec 2018

Columbia Threadneedle are mid-way through a process to transfer the assets of investors in certain funds within its UK fund range to equivalent funds in its established Luxembourg range. The USD share class of the Threadneedle Global Select Fund will transfer to the equivalent share class in a new Luxembourg domiciled fund on 27 January 2019. For our guided-architecture products we have now closed this fund to new business and switches in. The receiving fund will only be available from 28 January 2019.

Fund name change - Invesco Global Leisure Fund - Published: 14 Nov 2018
Published: 14 Nov 2018

Effective 6 December 2018, Invesco has advised that they are changing the name of their Global Leisure Fund to the Invesco Global Consumer Trends Fund.

Change of fund name and investment objective - Invesco Euro Reserve Fund - Published: 14 Nov 2018
Published: 14 Nov 2018

Effective 6 December 2018, Invesco have advised that they are changing the name of the fund to Invesco Euro Ultra-Short Debt Fund and changing the investment objective accordingly.

Fund merger - JPM Singapore fund - Published: 09 Nov 2018
Published: 09 Nov 2018

JP Morgan have announced their intention to merge their JPM Singapore fund into the JPM ASEAN fund with effect from 14 December 2018.

Share class transfer - Threadneedle European Smaller Companies Fund (CHF and EUR) - Published: 05 Nov 2018
Published: 05 Nov 2018

Columbia Threadneedle are mid-way through a process to transfer the assets of investors in certain funds within their UK fund range to equivalent funds in its established Luxembourg range. The CHF and EUR share classes of the Threadneedle European Smaller Companies Fund will transfer to the equivalent share classes in a new Luxembourg domiciled fund on 24 November 2018. For our guided-architecture products we have now closed this fund to new business and switches in. The receiving fund will only be available from 26 November 2018.

Fund mergers and share class transfers - Columbia Threadneedle UK domiciled funds - Published: 26 Oct 2018
Published: 26 Oct 2018

Between September and December 2018 Columbia Threadneedle will be transferring EU customer assets from its UK fund range to its Luxembourg fund range. This is to ensure that its EU-based investors remain invested in funds that have a UCITS status, because Columbia Threadneedle believe it is likely that when the UK leaves the European Union UK domiciled funds will lose this status.

Share class transfer - Threadneedle Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund (EUR and USD) - Published: 18 Oct 2018
Published: 18 Oct 2018

Columbia Threadneedle are mid-way through a process to transfer the assets of investors in certain funds within their UK fund range to equivalent funds in its established Luxembourg range. The EUR and USD share classes of the Threadneedle Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund will transfer to the equivalent share classes in a new Luxembourg domiciled fund on 24 November 2018. For our guided-architecture products we have now closed this fund to new business and switches in. The receiving fund will only be available from 26 November 2018.

Fund name changes – Old Mutual Global Investors funds - Published: 10 Oct 2018
Published: 10 Oct 2018

With effect from 1 October 2018 all Old Mutual Global Investor (“OMGI”) funds will undergo a name change following a private equity firm backed management buyout in June 2018. OMGI funds will be known as Merian Global Investors funds going forward.

Change of brand - Invesco Perpetual - Published: 17 Sep 2018
Published: 17 Sep 2018

Invesco Perpetual will move to a unified brand across the globe - Invesco - with effect 1 October 2018. This will affect its UK ICVC range, which will see the removal of 'Perpetual' from fund names and branding. ISINs and Sedols will remain unchanged. This impacts our guided-architecture products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle, Preference and Kudos.

Fund mergers - Invesco Irish domicile to Luxembourg domicile - Published: 11 Sep 2018
Published: 11 Sep 2018

In order to streamline its UCITS range of funds, during September and October 2018 Invesco will merge a number of Irish domicile funds into its Luxembourg range, then close down the Irish funds. The mergers affect our guided architecture products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle, Preference and Kudos.

Fund merger - Threadneedle Pan European Fund - Published: 11 Sep 2018
Published: 11 Sep 2018

Columbia Threadneedle will merge its UK-based Pan European Fund into its Luxembourg Pan European Equities Fund on 6 October 2018. This is part of a process to transfer all EU customer assets in its UK-based funds over to its Luxembourg equivalent funds. The merger affects guided-architecture products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum and Quantum Malayasia.

Fund merger - Janus Henderson World Select Fund - Published: 11 Sep 2018
Published: 11 Sep 2018

Janus Henderson will merge its World Select Fund into its Global Equity Fund on 20 September 2018. The merger affects our guided-architecture product Preference.

Fund Launch - RL360 Multi-Asset Portfolios - Published: 10 Aug 2018
Published: 10 Aug 2018

On 21 September 2018, we will be launching a range of 16 multi-asset portfolios as a replacement for the RL360 Capital Protected fund range.

Clarification of the investment objective and policy - MFS Meridian Global Total Return Fund - Published: 04 Jul 2018
Published: 04 Jul 2018

With effect from 1 August 2018, MFS Meridian are clarifying the investment objective and policy of their Global Total Return fund.

Clarification of the investment objective - Aberdeen Liquidity Fund (Lux) - Published: 04 Jul 2018
Published: 04 Jul 2018

Effective immediately, the board of directors of the Aberdeen Liquidity Fund (Lux) have updated the investment objective of the fund.

Fund closures - RL360 Safe Combination Series 1 - 7 Funds - Published: 25 Jun 2018
Published: 25 Jun 2018

The Safe Combination Series 1 – 7 Funds will close on 21 September 2018. The funds were available to the ‘Income & Growth Bonus Bond’ and ‘Select Income & Growth Bonus Bond’ products originally sold under our Scottish Life International brand. Policyholders will be transferred to a GBP cash deposit fund.

Fund closure - RL360 Tranche Maturity Cash Fund - Published: 25 Jun 2018
Published: 25 Jun 2018

On 21 September 2018, the Tranche Maturity Cash Fund will be closed and all holdings transferred to a similar RL360 cash deposit fund. The closure affects a number of limited issue products originally sold under our Scottish Life International brand.

Fund closures - RL360 Capital Protected GBP and USD Funds - Published: 25 Jun 2018
Published: 25 Jun 2018

The remaining GBP and USD Capital Protected Funds will close on 21 September 2018. Policyholders have been written to notifying them of the closures. A follow up letter will be sent in August with further details of the funds they will be switched into upon closure. The closures affect a number of products originally sold under our Scottish Life International brand.

Changes to investment policies of various sub-funds of the Schroder International Selection Fund - Published: 21 Jun 2018
Published: 21 Jun 2018

With immediate effect, the investment polices of sub-funds of the Schroder International Selection Fund will be amended to reflect their approach to material environmental, social and governance factors.

Changes to investment policies - Schroder ISF China Opportunities & Schroder ISF Emerging Asia - Published: 21 Jun 2018
Published: 21 Jun 2018

With effect from 6 July 2018, the investment policies of the Schroder ISF China Opportunities and Schroder ISF Emerging Asia funds will be amended.

Change of reference index - Invesco India Bond fund - Published: 12 Jun 2018
Published: 12 Jun 2018

Invesco have advised that they have changed the reference index of the Invesco India Bond fund with effect from 1 April 2018.

Changes to investment policies and ongoing charges - Fidelity Multi Asset fund range - Published: 12 Jun 2018
Published: 12 Jun 2018

Effective 20 June 2018, Fidelity Investments International have advised that they are changing the investment policies for the Multi Asset fund range in order to benefit from underlying investments in a wider range of asset classes and investment styles. These changes will result in an increase to ongoing charges.

Change of name, fee restructure and miscellaneous changes - Baring Global Emerging Markets fund - Published: 30 May 2018
Published: 30 May 2018

With effect from 30 April 2018, Baring are making a number of changes to the Baring Global Emerging Markets Fund, including a name change, a restructure of fees and changes to the Hong Kong offering documents.

Withdrawal of Hong Kong authorisation for Threadneedle UK domiciled funds - Published: 30 May 2018
Published: 30 May 2018

With effect from 29 June 2018, Threadneedle Investment Funds ICVC have decided to cease marketing a number of UK domiciled funds to the public in Hong Kong and apply to the SFC for withdrawal of authorisation of the funds.

Fund suspension update April 2018 - EEA Life Settlements Fund - Published: 04 May 2018
Published: 04 May 2018

RL360 has received notice from EEA Fund Management Limited, concerning pending redemptions for Q1 2018 dealing date 3 Apr 2018. These redemptions are postponed until the next dealing date, 2 Jul 2018.

Fund merger - M&G Global Leaders Fund - Published: 27 Apr 2018
Published: 27 Apr 2018

Due to the impending departure of the manager of the M&G Global Leaders Fund, the fund will merge into their M&G Global Themes Fund on 25 May 2018. Click here to see how the merger impacts policyholders and the action RL360 will be taking.

Change of investment policy and objective - HSBC GIF Russia fund - Published: 18 Apr 2018
Published: 18 Apr 2018

Effective 28 May 2018, HSBC Global Asset Management are to change the investment policy and objective of the fund in order to enhance and clarify the wording and align with standard disclosures for HSBC GIF sub-funds.

Second Liquidation Distribution February 2018 - Glanmore Property Fund - Published: 16 Mar 2018
Published: 16 Mar 2018

A second liquidation distribution of £0.46 per share has been paid to clients for value 13 February 2018.

Liquidation Distribution February 2018 - EEA Life Settlement Run-Off Cells - Published: 06 Mar 2018
Published: 06 Mar 2018

The Fund has announced its intention to process a compulsory redemption in order to pay out a distribution to those persons registered as holders as at the 12th February 2018.

Liquidators Update February 2018 - Mansion Student Accommodation Fund - Published: 06 Mar 2018
Published: 06 Mar 2018

Update received from the Cell Liquidator with regards to the progress of the liquidation.

Change of Name, Investment Objective and Policy - Schroder ISF Asian Bond Absolute Return Fund - Published: 27 Feb 2018
Published: 27 Feb 2018

Schroders will be changing the strategy of the fund from absolute return to total return meaning a change to the funds' name and investment objective and policy. Changes are effective from 1 March 2018.

Change of name and investment policy - Franklin Mutual Beacon Fund - Published: 29 Jan 2018
Published: 29 Jan 2018

With effect 31 January 2018, the fund will change name to Franklin Mutual U.S. Value and the investment policy will be reclarified to better reflect its actual investment policy. The changes affect our guided-architecture product Preference.

Fund Closure - Baring UK Growth Trust - Published: 25 Jan 2018
Published: 25 Jan 2018

Barings closed the fund by way of liquidation and compulsory redemption on 28 November 2017. The closure follows a review which identified the Trust's inability to operate in a cost-effective manner due to its small fund size. The closure affects our guided-architecture product Preference.

Change of Investment Policy and Objective - Invesco Euro Corporate Bond Fund - Published: 03 Jan 2018
Published: 03 Jan 2018

Effective 8 March 2018, Invesco are amending Appendix A of the fund Prospectus, with the investment policy and objective to change to allow greater flexibility in the implementation of the investment strategies. The changes affect our guided-architecture products Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Oracle and Paragon and our open-architecture product PIMS. Investors do not need to take any action.

Change of Name and Depositary - CF Miton Cautious Multi-Asset fund - Published: 03 Jan 2018
Published: 03 Jan 2018

Effective 18 December 2017, the fund will be changing name to reflect the change of name for the Authorised Corporate Director. The Depositary for the fund is also changing. The changes affect our guided-architecture products Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Oracle and Paragon. Investors do not need to take any action.

Fund updates - 2017

Change of Investment Manager - Ashburton Global Investment Funds - Published: 07 Dec 2017
Published: 07 Dec 2017

We have been advised of the intention of Ashburton Global Investment Funds Limited to merge Ashburton Fund Managers Limited and Ashburton (Jersey) Limited in March 2018 for cost saving and administrative purposes. The changes affect our guided-architecture product Lifeplan.

Fund Prospectus Changes - VAM Driehaus funds - Published: 06 Dec 2017
Published: 06 Dec 2017

Effective 31 December 2017, VAM Driehaus have made changes to Appendix II of the fund prospectus. The changes affect our guided-architecture products Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Oracle and Paragon.

Change of Investment Policy and Performance Fee Calculation Period - Amundi Equity Greater China Fund - Published: 22 Nov 2017
Published: 22 Nov 2017

Effective 20 December 2017, the fund will change its investment policy and will modify the measurement period for performance fee calculations. The changes affect our guided-architecture products Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Oracle and Paragon. Investors do not need to take any action.

Fund Changes - Aberdeen Global, Aberdeen Islamic and Aberdeen Liquidity - Published: 22 Nov 2017
Published: 22 Nov 2017

Standard Life Aberdeen plc have proposed a number of changes to their Global, Islamic SICAV and Liquidity (Lux) funds, including changes to share class naming and various other changes.

Fund Name Changes - Henderson and Janus Global Fund Ranges - Published: 20 Oct 2017
Published: 20 Oct 2017

As a result of the recent merger of fund management companies Henderson and Janus, with effect from 15 December 2017 fund names will be updated with the new pre-fix “Janus Henderson”. This will encompass funds under the following umbrella structures; Henderson OEIC, Henderson Horizon Fund, Henderson Gartmore Fund and Janus Capital Funds.

Change of Name and Investment Policy - Parvest Equity World Energy Fund - Published: 13 Oct 2017
Published: 13 Oct 2017

Effective 16 November 2017, the fund will change name to Parvest Energy Innovators and its objective will be updated accordingly. The changes affect our guided-architecture products Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Oracle and Paragon. Investors do not need to take any action.

Investment Objective and Policy Changes - Schroder UK Opportunities Fund - Published: 13 Oct 2017
Published: 13 Oct 2017

Effective 23 October 2017, Schroder will update the wording of the investment objective and policy to make the language consistent with other funds in the Schroders’ UK fund range. There will be no change in how the fund is managed and the change does not impact existing holdings.

Fund Closure - Templeton Shariah Asian Growth Fund - Published: 13 Oct 2017
Published: 13 Oct 2017

Due to its small fund size, Franklin Templeton have announced the closure of the Templeton Shariah Asian Growth Fund on 12 December 2017. Affected policyholders have been written to regarding the action we will be taking ahead of the closure date.

Investment Objective, Policy and Name Change - AXA Rosenberg Pacific Ex-Japan Small Cap Alpha - Published: 03 Jul 2017
Published: 03 Jul 2017

On 13 July 2017 the investment objective and policy will be amended to allow for investment in both emerging and developed market countries. In line with this, the fund name will change to AXA Rosenberg All Country Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Small Cap Alpha. The changes affect our guided-architecture products Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Oracle and Paragon.

Fund Changes - Baring High Yield Bond - Published: 31 Mar 2017
Published: 31 Mar 2017

With effect from 23 February 2017 Baring High Yield Bond Fund changed its name and took on new sub-investment managers of the fund. The changes have not resulted in any shift in the overall risk profile or the investment objective and policy and have not resulted in any change to the current fee structure.

Investment Objective and Policy Changes – Investec Asset Management UK Alpha Fund - Published: 24 Mar 2017
Published: 24 Mar 2017

On 7 April 2017 Investec Asset Management will make changes to the investment objective and policy of their UK Alpha Fund. The risk profile of the Fund will not change as a result of these proposals.

Investment Policy Changes -Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend Fund - Published: 06 Mar 2017
Published: 06 Mar 2017

Allianz has notified us that they will be making changes to the Investment Objective and Investment Principles of their GEM Equity High Dividend Fund and these will come in effect on 15 March 2017.

Objective Change - Fidelity Multi Asset Strategic Fund - Published: 06 Mar 2017
Published: 06 Mar 2017

With effect from 15 February 2017 Investment objective is revised to provide further clarity about how the Investment Manager invests.

Fund updates - 2016

Name and Objective Change - Schroder ISF Global Property Securities Fund - Published: 10 Nov 2016
Published: 10 Nov 2016

With effect from 1 December 2016, the fund will change name to the Schroder ISF Global Cities Real Estate Fund and amend its objective and policy to reflect this. This affects our guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Click on this story for more details.

Fund Changes - Pictet Emerging Local Currency Debt Fund - Published: 21 Oct 2016
Published: 21 Oct 2016

Pictet Asset Management has notified us that it will be changing the Investment Policy to their Emerging Local Currency Fund in order to include the possibility to invest in Sukuk. The changes will take effect on 24 October 2016.

Dealing Resumption - Henderson UK Property Fund - Published: 27 Sep 2016
Published: 27 Sep 2016

We have received a notification from Henderson Global Investors informing us that with effect from 12 noon on 14 October 2016, all dealing activity in the Henderson UK Property fund will resume as the suspension will be lifted.

Fund Changes - Allianz GEM Equity High Dividend Fund - Published: 22 Sep 2016
Published: 22 Sep 2016

Allianz has notified us that they will be making changes to the Investment Objective and Investment Principles of their GEM Equity High Dividend Fund and these will come in effect on 3 October 2016.

Investment Policy Changes - Kames Ethical Corporate Bond Fund - Published: 04 Aug 2016
Published: 04 Aug 2016

Kames Capital has informed us that it is making several changes to the Investment Policy of the fund and its corresponding prospectus that will come into effect on 1 October 2016.

Fund Suspension - Henderson UK Property Fund - Published: 28 Jul 2016
Published: 28 Jul 2016

Henderson Global Investors have informed us that with effect from 12 noon on 5 July 2016, all dealing activity in the Henderson UK Property Fund has been suspended until further notice.

Name and Objective Change - Allianz BRIC Equity Fund - Published: 22 Jun 2016
Published: 22 Jun 2016

Allianz Global Investors will change the Sub-Fund name, the investment objective, the investment principles and the benchmark of the BRIC Equity Fund on 15 July 2016.

Fund Merger - Investec Asset Management - Published: 18 May 2016
Published: 18 May 2016

Effective 17 June 2016 Investec Asset Management will merge their Global Strategic Income Fund with their Global Multi-Asset Income Fund. Investec feels that in order to achieve a high and sustainable level of income it is better to invest in a broader range of investments.

Fund Mergers - JPMorgan prefixed Luxembourg SICAV Funds - Published: 14 Apr 2016
Published: 14 Apr 2016

On 20 May 2016 JPMorgan Asset Management will be rationalising their Luxembourg SICAV duplicate share classes by merging “JPMorgan” prefixed share classes into the equivalent “JPM” prefixed share class of the same sub-fund. This affects our closed guided-architecture product Preference. We will be taking action ahead of the merger. Click on this story for more details and to view samples of the letters we have issued to policyholders and investment advisers.

Amendment to the Investment Principles - Credit Suisse - Published: 22 Mar 2016
Published: 22 Mar 2016

Effective 30 March 2016 Credit Suisse Fund Management will make changes to the investment principles of the subfunds to clarify that they can invest worldwide including emerging market countries and that fixed income securities in the non-investment grade sector may represent up to 20% of their total net assets.

Investment Policy Change - Pictet Asset Management various funds - Published: 16 Mar 2016
Published: 16 Mar 2016

Effective 16 March 2016 Pictet has changed the investment policy for several of its funds including: Pictet Emerging local currency Debt, Pictet Timber, Pictet Premium Brands, Pictet Water and Pictet Asian local Currency Debt.

Fund Merger - Pictet Asset Management - Published: 07 Mar 2016
Published: 07 Mar 2016

Effective 30 March 2016 Pictet Asset Management will merge their Absolute Return Global Diversified Fund with their Multi Asset Opportunities Fund. The Board of Directors of the Fund believe this to be in shareholders' best interests.

New Fund Links - Protected Lifestyle - Published: 25 Feb 2016
Published: 25 Feb 2016

We've just completed our annual fund review of Protected Lifestyle’s external fund options. We've added 13 new core funds and introduced 3 new fund groups to the range. Click through to see the full story.

Name and Objective Change - Fidelity South East Asia Fund - Published: 18 Feb 2016
Published: 18 Feb 2016

Effective 23 March 2016, the fund will change name to the Fidelity - Asia Focus Fund and amend its objective to reflect this. This affects our products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum and Kudos. Policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for more details.

New Fund Links - Quantum, Oracle, Paragon and LifePlan - Published: 15 Feb 2016
Published: 15 Feb 2016

We've just completed our annual fund review for Quantum, Oracle, Paragon and LifePlan. We've added 28 new funds and introduced 6 new fund groups to the range. Click through to see the full story.

Fund Range Change - Protected Lifestyle Lebanon Policies - Published: 10 Feb 2016
Published: 10 Feb 2016

On 18 March 2016 we will be making a significant change to the range of funds that existing Protected Lifestyle Lebanon policyholders can invest in. The changes will provide new investment opportunities. Letters to Policyholders have been issued via their relevant servicing advisers, notifying them of the change to the fund range. We will be taking some immediate action on 18 March 2016 with regard to existing holdings - click on this story for more details.

Fund Closures - SPI Assetmaster Broker Funds x 4 - Published: 15 Jan 2016
Published: 15 Jan 2016

As the underlying funds that our 4 SPI Assetmaster broker funds link to will be closing on 28 January 2016, we will be formally closing the broker funds and transferring assets into alternative SPI internal funds. This impacts closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. Policyholders have been written to about the closures and the action we are taking.

Fund updates - 2015

Name Change - JPM Global Capital Appreciation Fund - Published: 09 Dec 2015
Published: 09 Dec 2015

On 14 December 2015, the fund will change name to JPM Global Macro Opportunities. This affects our guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. As it is only a name change, policyholders have not been written to on this occasion.

Fund Name Changes - from First State to Stewart Investors - Published: 02 Dec 2015
Published: 02 Dec 2015

First State Investments has changed the structure of the First State Stewart (FSS) investment management team. These changes will split the FSS into two teams; one primarily based in Hong Kong and the other in Edinburgh. The changes mean some of the First State funds have changed name to Stewart Investors. The changes affect our guided-architecture product Kudos.

Fund Closures - RL360 Euro Capital Protected Fund Range - Published: 14 Oct 2015
Published: 14 Oct 2015

We will be closing the remaining Euro Capital Protected Funds on 11 December 2015. The closures affect legacy products that have access the Euro RL360 Capital Protected Funds. Affected policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for the full details and to view a sample of the letter.

Fund Merger - BlackRock Global Funds - Global Equity Fund - Published: 09 Oct 2015
Published: 09 Oct 2015

On 25 September 2015 BlackRock merged its BlackRock Global Funds – Global Equity Fund into its BlackRock Global Funds – Global Opportunities Fund. The merger impacts the following closed products: Preference and Prosper. Click on this story for full details.

Investment Policy Changes - Schroder ISF Asian Opportunities Fund - Published: 06 Oct 2015
Published: 06 Oct 2015

Schroders are clarifying the investment objective and policy of the fund in order to provide investors with greater transparency on the fund’s investment strategy. The changes impact the following closed products: Preference and Prosper. Click on this story for full details.

Investment Policy Changes - Schroder ISF Emerging Asia Fund - Published: 01 Oct 2015
Published: 01 Oct 2015

Schroders are clarifying the investment objective and policy of the fund in order to provide investors with greater transparency on the fund’s investment strategy. The changes impacts the following closed product: Kudos. Click on this story for full details.

Investment Policy Changes - Schroder ISF China Opportunities Fund - Published: 01 Oct 2015
Published: 01 Oct 2015

Schroders are clarifying the investment objective and policy of the fund in order to provide investors with greater transparency on the fund’s investment strategy. The changes impact the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Click on this story for full details.

Fund Merger - UBS (Lux) Equity Fund - Taiwan - Published: 25 Sep 2015
Published: 25 Sep 2015

UBS will be conducting a merger of its UBS (Lux) Equity Fund-Taiwan on 29 October 2015. As the fund has now soft closed to subscriptions, we have had to take immediate action for regular premium policies. The merger impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters that have been issued to policyholder and investment advisers advising what action we will be taking ahead of the merger.

Change of Investment Manager - Amundi Islamic Global Resources - Published: 15 Sep 2015
Published: 15 Sep 2015

As of 30 September 2015 the investment manager will change from Amundi to CPR Asset Management. This fund is available within our Oracle, Quantum and Paragon ranges. Click link for more details.

Fund Closures - SPILA Bonus Growth Range of Funds - Published: 04 Sep 2015
Published: 04 Sep 2015

On the 1st December 2015, the SPILA range of Bonus Growth funds will close affecting closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund Merger - Aberdeen UK Flexible Strategy Fund - Published: 28 Aug 2015
Published: 28 Aug 2015

Aberdeen have proposed a merger of its Aberdeen UK Flexible Strategy Fund on 11 September 2015. The merger impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. We will be taking action ahead of the merger for affected policyholders. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters that have been issued to policyholder and investment advisers.

Change of Index - BNP Paribas Islamic Equity Optimiser Fund - Published: 18 Aug 2015
Published: 18 Aug 2015

Effective 14 September 2015, the fund will change index to the “Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets Top Cap Index”, amending its stock selection methodology in line with this. The change affects our guided architecture products: LifePlan, Oracle, Paragon, Quantum & Protected Lifestyle. Policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for more details.

Name and Objective Change - JPMorgan Eastern Europe Equity Fund - Published: 03 Aug 2015
Published: 03 Aug 2015

Effective 30 September 2015, the fund will change name to the JPMorgan Emerging Europe Equity Fund and amend its objective and policy to reflect this. This affects our guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for more details.

Name Change - Invesco Perpetual UK Aggressive Fund - Published: 30 Jul 2015
Published: 30 Jul 2015

On 30 September 2015, the fund will change name to the Invesco Perpetual UK Focus Fund. This affects our guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. As it is only a name change, policyholders have not been written to on this occasion.

Fund Merger - Aberdeen UK Opportunities Fund - Published: 30 Jun 2015
Published: 30 Jun 2015

The Aberdeen UK Opportunities Fund will be merging into the Aberdeen UK Equity Fund on 10 July 2015. The merger impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. We will be taking action ahead of the merger for affected policyholders. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters that have been issued to policyholder and investment advisers.

Fund Closure - OFS International Balanced Broker Funds - Published: 27 May 2015
Published: 27 May 2015

Following a long period of suspension, the OFS broker funds have now been formally closed without value. Policyholders have been written to notifying them of what this means in regard to their policy. The closure affects guided architecture products that were sold under the SPILA brand. For full details and to view copies of letters click on this story.

Fund Closure - Investec GSF Managed Currency - Published: 22 May 2015
Published: 22 May 2015

We have been informed by Investec Asset Management that they intend to close their Investec GSF Managed Currency Fund on 19 June 2015.

Investment Policy Change - Pictet Absolute Return Global Diversified Fund - Published: 22 May 2015
Published: 22 May 2015

Pictet will be making a number of changes including broadening the Fund's investment options on 26 May 2015. The changes impact the following guided-architecture products: LifePlan, Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters that have been issued to policyholders and investment advisers.

Objective Change - Invesco Global High Income Fund - Published: 22 May 2015
Published: 22 May 2015

Invesco Global Asset Management will be making changes to the investment objective and policy of the Invesco Global High Income Fund on 7 August 2015. The changes affect our closed product: Preference. Policyholders and Investment Advisers have been written to about the changes. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Portfolio Holdings Change - BNY Mellon Global Equity Fund - Published: 13 Mar 2015
Published: 13 Mar 2015

Following a review, BNY Mellon will be making a small amendment to the number of holdings held within the fund. The fund will move to a more concentrated portfolio of around 60-90 holdings. This impacts the following guided-architecture products: Kudos, LifePlan, Preference, Prosper and Protected Lifestyle. Click on this story for full details.

Portfolio Holdings Change - BNY Mellon Global Opportunities Fund - Published: 13 Mar 2015
Published: 13 Mar 2015

Following a review, BNY Mellon will be making a small amendment to the number of holdings held within the fund. The fund will move to a more concentrated portfolio of around 30 to 50 holdings. This impacts the following guided-architecture product: Prosper. Click on this story for full details.

Name and Objective Change - Henderson Horizon Japanese Equity Fund - Published: 10 Mar 2015
Published: 10 Mar 2015

The Henderson Horizon Japanese Equity Fund will change name to the Henderson Horizon Japan Opportunities Fund on 1 April 2015. It will also amend its objective and benchmark. The changes impact the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters that have been issued to policyholders and investment advisers.

Fund Suspension Update - Advance notice of closure of the OFS International Balanced broker funds - Published: 05 Mar 2015
Published: 05 Mar 2015

Following a long period of suspension we will be closing the OFS International Balanced broker funds on 23 April 2015. Letters have been issued to policyholders explaining the reason for the closure and what this means for them. This impacts closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. For full details and to view a copy of the policyholder letter click on this story.

Fund Merger - JPM Global Consumer Trends Fund - Published: 12 Feb 2015
Published: 12 Feb 2015

The JPM Global Consumer Trends Fund will be merging into the JPM Global Unconstrained Equity Fund on 27 March 2015. The merger impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. We will be taking action ahead of the merger for affected policyholders. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters that have been issued to policyholder and investment advisers.

4 New Islamic fund links for Oracle, Paragon, Quantum & LifePlan - Published: 12 Feb 2015
Published: 12 Feb 2015

We’ve added more Islamic funds to our products, following adviser demand. This takes the core number of Islamic fund links to 9 for Oracle, Paragon and Quantum, and 6 for LifePlan. Click on this story for more details.

Fund Closure - Aberdeen UK Opportunities - Euro share class - Published: 06 Feb 2015
Published: 06 Feb 2015

Aberdeen Asset Management Limited has closed its Euro denominated share class of the Aberdeen UK Opportunities fund. This impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Letters have been sent to policyholders and advisers. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters.

Fund updates - 2014

KSF IoM - 10th Liquidation Distribution - Published: 19 Dec 2014
Published: 19 Dec 2014

KSF (IoM) has announced a further liquidation distribution of 2p in the pound. This brings the total distributions to 100%.

8 new fund links for LifePlan - Published: 03 Nov 2014
Published: 03 Nov 2014

Following a fund review we are pleased to announce the addition of 8 new core fund links to LifePlan. That’s 13 when all currency variants are taken into account. The funds are available with immediate effect. The new links include a Healthcare fund, a North America Equity fund, and 2 Global Equity Income funds. Click on this story for more details.

22 new fund links for Oracle, Paragon and Quantum - Published: 03 Nov 2014
Published: 03 Nov 2014

Following a fund review we are pleased to announce the addition of 22 new core fund links (that’s 40 when all currency variants are taken into account) to the ranges. The funds are available with immediate effect. The new links include Healthcare, Global Equity Income, Infrastructure and Alternative Energy. Click on this story for more details.

Funds Removed - Oracle, Paragon and Quantum - Published: 03 Nov 2014
Published: 03 Nov 2014

Following a fund review we have removed 10 fund links (plus their currency variants) to new business with immediate effect. Existing policyholders can continue to invest in the affected funds for 3 months, at which point they will need to switch into an alternative fund. Click on this story for full details.

Fund Maturity - SPILA Bonus Growth 2014 - Published: 28 Oct 2014
Published: 28 Oct 2014

The Scottish Provident International Life Assurance (SPILA) USD and GBP Bonus Growth 2014 funds have reached the end of their maturity year. Policyholders should now choose whether to encash their fund value or switch into an alternative fund from the choice available to their policy. Affected policyholders have been written to, notifying them of their options. The maturity affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. Click on this story for more details.

Base Currency Change - Henderson Horizon Japanese Equity Fund - Published: 22 Oct 2014
Published: 22 Oct 2014

With effect 17 November 2014 the base currency of the fund will change from USD to JPY. This impacts the following guided-architecture products: Quantum, Oracle and Paragon. Policyholders invested in the fund as at 16 October 2014 have been written to. For more details click on this story.

Fund Closure - Natixis Gateway US Equities - Published: 29 Sep 2014
Published: 29 Sep 2014

‘Natixis International Funds (Lux) I’ have advised that they will close the fund on 15 November 2014 due to rationalisation. This impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Letters have been sent to policyholders and advisers. Click on this story for full details and to view sample letters.

KSF IoM - 9th Liquidation Distribution - Published: 22 Sep 2014
Published: 22 Sep 2014

KSF (IoM) has announced a further liquidation distribution of 2.2p in the pound.

Fund Closure - Franklin Mutual Global Discovery 'A' Acc CHF Hedged - Published: 05 Sep 2014
Published: 05 Sep 2014

After careful analysis and review, the board of directors of Franklin Templeton Investment Funds has decided to close the 'A (Acc) CHF Hedged' share with effect from 26 September 2014. This impacts the following guided-architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Letters have been sent to policyholders and advisers. Click for full details and to view sample letters.

Fund Closure - Parvest Opportunities USA Fund - Published: 04 Jul 2014
Published: 04 Jul 2014

Following a programme of fund rationalisation, BNP Paribas will close its Parvest Opportunities USA Fund and merge all holdings into its Parvest Equity USA Value Fund on 18 July 2014. The Fund features in the following guided products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Affected policyholders have been written to about the closure. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Fund Closures - SPI USD & GBP Global Managed Funds - Published: 17 Jun 2014
Published: 17 Jun 2014

Following a review, RL360 will be closing both the SPI USD Global Managed and SPI GBP Global Managed Funds on 9 September 2014. The funds are now soft closed. Affected policyholders have been written to, notifying them of their options. The fund closures affect closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund Changes - Sarasin Agrisar Fund - Published: 02 May 2014
Published: 02 May 2014

The fund will change its name to "Sarasin Food and Agriculture Opportunities" on 16 June 2014. Changes to share class references and charges will also apply. The Fund features in the following products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. For further details of the changes click on this story.

Fund Changes - Natixis Hansberger Emerging Latin America Fund - Published: 02 May 2014
Published: 02 May 2014

On 10 April 2014 the Fund will undergo a number of modifications which includes a change of name to "Natixis Emerging Latin America Equity". The Fund features in the following products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. For further details of the changes click on this story.

Fund Closure - BNY Mellon Evolution Global Alpha Fund - Published: 22 Feb 2014
Published: 22 Feb 2014

We have been informed by BNY Mellon that they intend to close their BNY Mellon Evolution Global Alpha fund on 14 March 2014. The Fund features in the following products: Oracle, Quantum, Paragon and LifePlan. Affected policyholders have been written to about the closure. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Fund Update - Global Strategic Balanced broker fund - Published: 08 Feb 2014
Published: 08 Feb 2014

Policyholders invested in the broker fund have now had the 20.15% liquid payment from the underlying Strategic Growth fund applied to their policies. Affected policyholders have been written to providing them with an update on the matter. The suspended fund affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. For full details and to view copies of letters click on this story.

Fund updates - 2013

Fund Rationalisation - RL360 Capital Protected Funds - Published: 24 Dec 2013
Published: 24 Dec 2013

Following a review we will be closing a number of our internal Capital Protected Funds in March 2014. The closures affect policies that can access the RL360 Capital Protected Funds. Affected policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Fund Maturity - SPILA Bonus Growth 2013 - Published: 18 Dec 2013
Published: 18 Dec 2013

The Scottish Provident International Life Assurance (SPILA) USD and GBP Bonus Growth 2013 funds have reached the end of their maturity year. Policyholders should now choose whether to encash their fund value or switch into an alternative fund from the choice available to their policy. Affected policyholders have been written to, notifying them of their options. The maturity affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand.

Fund Closure - BNY Mellon Vietnam, India & China fund - Published: 19 Nov 2013
Published: 19 Nov 2013

We have been informed by BNY Mellon that they intend to close their BNY Mellon Vietnam, India & China Fund on 6 December 2013. The Fund features in the following products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Affected policyholders have been written to about the changes. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Fund Suspension Update - Global Strategic Balanced broker fund - Published: 15 Nov 2013
Published: 15 Nov 2013

We have received a small liquid payment from the underlying Strategic Growth fund and will now commence an internal process which will allow policyholders access to the proceeds received. Affected policyholders have been written to providing them with an update on the matter. The suspended fund affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. For full details and to view copies of letters click on this story.

Name & Investment Policy Change - Henderson Gartmore Global Focus Fund - Published: 07 Nov 2013
Published: 07 Nov 2013

On 1 December 2013 the Henderson Gartmore Global Focus Fund will undergo a change of name and an amendment to its investment policy. The fund features in the following products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Affected policyholders have been written to about the changes. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Fund merger - JPM Global Total Return - Published: 01 Nov 2013
Published: 01 Nov 2013

On 25 October 2013 the JPM Global Total Return Fund merged into the JPM Global Capital Appreciation Fund. The merger affects the following products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Policyholders have been written to about the merger. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample letters.

Fund merger - Henderson Global Focus Fund - Published: 29 Oct 2013
Published: 29 Oct 2013

Subject to shareholder approval, Henderson Global Investors will merge the Henderson Global Focus Fund into the Henderson International Fund on 14 November 2013. The merger affects our closed product: Preference. Affected policyholders have been written to about the merger. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder and adviser letters.

Fund Merger - Blackrock UK Dynamic Fund - Published: 11 Oct 2013
Published: 11 Oct 2013

Blackrock have merged their Blackrock UK Dynamic fund into the Blackrock UK fund. The merger affects the following closed product: Kudos. Policyholders have been written to about the merger. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund Merger - JPMorgan Global Balanced Fund (USD) - Published: 11 Oct 2013
Published: 11 Oct 2013

On the 29 November 2013 the JPMorgan Global Balanced Fund (USD) will be merged into the JPMorgan Global Balanced Fund (EUR).The merger affects the following product: Lifeplan. Policyholders have been written to about the merger. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund Merger - JPMorgan Global Bond Fund (USD) - Published: 11 Oct 2013
Published: 11 Oct 2013

JPMorgan have announced that on the 29 November 2013 they will merge the JPMorgan Bond Fund (USD) into the JPMorgan Aggregate Bond Fund (USD). The merger affects the following closed product: Preference. Policyholders have been written to about the merger. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund Closure - Fidelity Funds Asia Pacific Property A Acc (EUR) Fund - Published: 11 Oct 2013
Published: 11 Oct 2013

Fidelity fund managers have announced their intention to close their Fidelity Funds Asia Pacific Property Fund A Acc (EUR) fund on 18 December 2013. The closure affects the following products: Quantum, Paragon and Oracle. Policyholders have been written to about the closure. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Closing to subscriptions - BlackRock Global Funds - Continental European Flexible Fund - Published: 08 Oct 2013
Published: 08 Oct 2013

BlackRock will be closing their BlackRock Global Funds – Continental European Flexible fund to subscriptions on 7 November 2013 as the fund is nearing capacity. In order to ensure the fund is kept within a size that enables it to be optimally managed and in the best interests of shareholders, they will close subscriptions to both existing and new investors. The closure affects the following closed products: Preference and Prosper. Policyholders have been written to about the closure. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund suspension update - Global Strategic Balanced broker fund - Published: 25 Sep 2013
Published: 25 Sep 2013

The directors of the Strategic Growth fund, which is the underlying fund to the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund, have issued a further update with regard to the suspension of the asset. Affected policyholders have been written to providing the latest information. The suspended fund affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. Click on this story to view the latest update.

Fund closure - HSBC Amanah Global Equity fund - Published: 27 Aug 2013
Published: 27 Aug 2013

Following a strategic review by HSBC, they intend to focus their Islamic finance offering on customers solely in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, and remove the HSBC Amanah funds from all third party wholesale distributors by the end of August 2013. This affects our guided architecture products Quantum, Oracle and Paragon. The fund will be removed from the fund ranges with immediate effect. Click on this story to read details on how this affects existing investors and to view sample letters we have issued.

Fund Merger - JP Morgan Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Fund - Published: 14 Aug 2013
Published: 14 Aug 2013

On 13 September 2013 the JP Morgan Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Fund will merge with the JPMorgan Asia Pacific ex-Japan Behavioural Finance Equity Fund. As a result, the merged funds will be re-named the JPMorgan Funds – Asia Pacific Strategic Equity Fund. This merger will affect the following products: Quantum, Oracle and Paragon. Click on this story for further details.

KSF IoM - 8th Liquidation Distribution - Published: 22 Jul 2013
Published: 22 Jul 2013

KSF (IoM) has announced a further liquidation distribution of 4.8p in the pound.

Fund suspension - OFS International Balanced broker funds - Published: 11 Jul 2013
Published: 11 Jul 2013

The OFS International Balanced broker funds have been suspended with effect 26 June 2013. The funds invest in two Private Client Portfolio Funds (PCP) which invests assets in funds managed by LM Investment Management Limited that went into voluntary administration in Australia on 19 March 2013. The suspended funds affect closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand. Letters have been issued to affected policyholders advising how it impacts their policy.

4 more funds added to Quantum, Oracle and Paragon - Published: 08 Jul 2013
Published: 08 Jul 2013

We’ve added the Renaissance Pan-African fund and 3 funds from the Harmony Portfolio range which are managed by Momentum Global Funds. The July investment guides, which include the 4 additions, are available to download now. Click on this story for more details.

Update on the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund - Published: 05 Jul 2013
Published: 05 Jul 2013

The directors of the Strategic Growth fund, which is the underlying fund to the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund, have issued an update with regard to the suspension of the asset. Affected policyholders have been written to providing the latest information. The suspended fund affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand.

Closing to subscriptions - Renaissance Sub-Saharan fund - Published: 05 Jul 2013
Published: 05 Jul 2013

Renaissance Asset Managers have advised that they intend to 'hard' close their Sub-Saharan fund as it is nearing capacity at a fund size of almost US$200 million. The closure to subscriptions will affect our guided architecture products Quantum, Oracle and Paragon. The fund will be removed as an investment option from these products with immediate effect and replaced with the Renaissance Pan-African fund. Affected policyholders have been written to.

Objective Change - Fidelity Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Fund - Published: 13 Jun 2013
Published: 13 Jun 2013

We have been informed by the Fidelity board of Directors that the Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Fund will change its investment objective from 8 July 2013. A policyholder notification will be issued to those affected by the change. Click on this story for further details.

Objective change - Fidelity MoneyBuilder Income Fund - Published: 31 May 2013
Published: 31 May 2013

Fideilty have announced that subject to regulatory approval, they intend to make changes to the investment objective of the MoneyBuilder Income fund. These changes are scheduled to take place on the 16 August 2013 and all affected policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for further details.

Performance fees - Amundi funds - Published: 10 May 2013
Published: 10 May 2013

The Directors of the Amundi Fund range have announced that they have agreed to implement a performance fee for AU and AE classes of shares of several funds within their current fund range. The implementation will affect the following products: Oracle, Quantum and Paragon. All affected policyholders have been written to. Click on this story for further details.

Fund transfers - BNP Paribas L1 SICAV to Parvest SICAV - Published: 26 Apr 2013
Published: 26 Apr 2013

BNP Paribas Investment Partners have announced that they are looking to separate out their two brands to target specific markets. They will be carrying out a number of fund transfers from their BNP Paribas L1 SICAV fund range into their Parvest SICAV fund range. These fund transfers will affect the following products: Oracle, Quantum and Paragon. Click on this story for further details.

Fund closure - BNY Mellon Sterling Bond - Published: 25 Apr 2013
Published: 25 Apr 2013

BNY Mellon have announced the closure of their BNY Mellon Sterling Bond effective on or around the 25 April 2013. Following a review the Directors of the BNY Mellon Global Funds plc have concluded that the small size of the fund may be preventing it from achieving the economies of scale in ongoing operating costs that would best serve the interest of investors in the fund. The closure affects the following closed products: Preference and Prosper. Affected policyholders have been written to.

Fund merger - JPM US Dynamic Fund - Published: 24 Apr 2013
Published: 24 Apr 2013

On 31 May 2013 the JPM US Dynamic fund will merge with the JPM US Dynamic 130/30 fund. As a result, the merged funds will be re-named the JPMorgan US Equity Plus Fund. This merger will affect the following products: Kudos and PIMS. Click on this story for further details.

Even more funds added to Oracle, Paragon and Quantum - Published: 12 Mar 2013
Published: 12 Mar 2013

Following the recent launch of 13 new funds to the ranges, we're pleased to announce the addition of a further 7 funds with effect from March 2013. The funds include 2 single country equity funds, 3 more managed funds, an ASEAN equity fund and an Islamic fund investing in global resources. March investment guides, which include the 7 additions, are available to download now.

Suspension of the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund - Published: 08 Mar 2013
Published: 08 Mar 2013

The direct underlying fund link that the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund invests in has been suspended following a large number of redemption requests. They have done this whilst they manage the redemption process. As a consequence we have had to suspend the Global Strategic Balanced broker fund to protect the interests of our own policyholders. Click on this story for further details and to find out how this impacts our policyholders.

Templeton Global Bond fund added to the LifePlan fund range - Published: 04 Feb 2013
Published: 04 Feb 2013

With effect from 4 February 2013, the fund will be available in 3 currency variants, USD, EUR, EUR Hedged and CHF Hedged. As a consistent 1st and 2nd quartile performer we're sure you and your clients will find it a worthy addition to the range.

13 new fund links enhance the Quantum, Oracle and Paragon fund range - Published: 04 Feb 2013
Published: 04 Feb 2013

We have just concluded our latest fund review and are pleased to announce the addition of 13 new links (21 when all currency variants are taken into account). If you want your clients to have exposure to Indonesia or Africa, or companies in the designer brands market, the new fund additions could offer you that investment opportunity.

Fund removals that affect Quantum, Oracle and Paragon - Published: 04 Feb 2013
Published: 04 Feb 2013

We have just concluded our annual fund review and after in-depth analysis we have decided to remove 5 funds that no longer satisfy the requirements of the range. With effect from 4 February 2013 these funds will not be available to newly issued policies and will not be available to existing policyholders wishing to invest in the funds for the first time. A policyholder notification will be issued to those affected by the closures providing them with 3 months notice to select an alternative fund within the range.

Fund Maturity - SPILA Bonus Growth 2012 - Published: 16 Jan 2013
Published: 16 Jan 2013

The Scottish Provident International Life Assurance (SPILA) USD and GBP Bonus Growth 2012 funds have now reached the end of their maturity year. The Bonus Growth Funds promise that in a particular year, the 'guarantee year', the fund value will be calculated using the highest ever bid price achieved since the fund was launched. The 2012 Fund has now reached this point and in aiming to maintain and, indeed, improve on the highest bid price achieved, the fund now holds deposit based investments. Policyholders should now choose whether to encash their fund value or switch into an alternative fund from the choice available to their policy. Affected policyholders have been written to, notifying them of their options. The maturity affects closed products that were sold under the SPILA brand.

Brand changes - JPMorgan/JF Funds - Published: 16 Jan 2013
Published: 16 Jan 2013

JPMorgan have advised that they are removing the ‘JF’ brand from their funds. With effect from 4 February 2013, any JPMorgan fund that had 'JF' in its name will now be referred to as JPMorgan (for example, JF Singapore will become JPMorgan Singapore). We have a range of JF funds in both our new business and closed products. For the new business products the changes will be reflected in the published Investment Guides. The changes affect the following products: Prosper, Preference, Oracle, Quantum, Paragon and PIMS. Policyholder letters have been issued for the closed products.

Suspension lifted - FP Symphony International Balanced fund - Published: 15 Jan 2013
Published: 15 Jan 2013

Further to our announcement published 23 October 2012, proceeds equating to 84% of the fund value, representing the assets of the underlying fund that were liquid and could be sold, have now been paid back to us. For the remaining 16% of non-liquid assets it is not possible for the investment manager to give us a timescale as to when these may be paid back to us. Therefore, in order to reactivate the fund as soon as possible we have recommenced pricing, based on the 84% received, with immediate effect. The unit price will therefore be lower than that calculated just prior to the suspension date. This fund will now purchase units in the new underlying fund link, the Harmony Portfolios US Dollar Balanced fund. Subsequently, the fund will be renamed to the FP Harmony USD Balanced fund to reflect this. The changes affect all closed products that have access to the SPILA Broker fund range. A client communication has been issued to all affected policyholders.

Fund updates - 2012

Name and investment policy change - Natixis Harris Associates Global Value Fund - Published: 17 Dec 2012
Published: 17 Dec 2012

On 7 January 2013, Natixis International Funds (Lux) will change the name of their Harris Associates Global Value Fund to the Natixis Harris Associates Global Equity Fund. There will also be a modification of the investment policy to withdraw the possibility for the fund to enter into securities lending, borrowing transactions as well as repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements which will reduce the funds exposure to risk. The amendment affects the following guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Affected policyholders have been written to, notifying them of the changes.

Unit Split - Carmignac Patrimoine EUR Fund - Published: 10 Dec 2012
Published: 10 Dec 2012

On 12 November 2012, Carmignac Gestion carried out a split on the units of the Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc fund. In order to do this, the net asset value per unit has been divided by 10, which means that the number of units held by each shareholder has been multiplied by 10 (for example, if a shareholder held 5 units, they now hold 50). We are currently undertaking the administration process of applying this change to the policies of those invested in the fund. The changes affect the following guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon, Quantum and LifePlan. Affected policyholders have been written to, notifying them of the unit split.

Fund Closure - Natixis ASG Laser - Published: 09 Nov 2012
Published: 09 Nov 2012

The Board of Directors of the Natixis International Funds (Lux) have decided to liquidate the Natixis ASG Laser fund due to an economic rationalisation. The formal closure date will be 30 November 2012. The closure affects the following guided architecture products: Oracle, Paragon and Quantum. Affected policyholders have been written to to notify them of the closure.

Fund Suspension - FP Symphony International Balanced - Published: 23 Oct 2012
Published: 23 Oct 2012

Financial Partners, the adviser to the fund, are planning to change the underlying fund in order to increase its performance potential. As RL360 are the largest shareholder in the fund, the investment manager has advised that once we redeem our holding, the underlying fund will become too small to manage and will have to be formally closed. They have suspended the fund whilst they undertake the process to sell the assets and return proceeds to investors. In light of this it has been necessary to suspend the FP Symphony International Balanced fund until we receive the redemption proceeds. The suspension affects all closed products that have access to the SPILA Broker fund range. A client communication has been issued to all affected policyholders.

Fund Closure - HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity and HSBC Amanah Europe Equity - Published: 24 Jul 2012
Published: 24 Jul 2012

The Board of Directors of HSBC Amanah have decided to close their HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Fund and their HSBC Amanah Europe Equity Fund on the 27 August 2012. As assets under administration have not grown sufficiently enough, and unlikely to in the future, to make either fund viable over the long term, they consider liquidation of the fund to be in the best interests of investors. The change affects the following guided-architecture products: Quantum, Paragon, Oracle. Affected policyholders have been written to.

Fund Closure – Invesco Sterling Reserve - Published: 03 May 2012
Published: 03 May 2012

The board of directors of Invesco Global Asset Management Limited have decided to close their Invesco Sterling Reserve Fund on 10 July 2012. As the size of the fund has reduced to a level significantly below the threshold set out in the fund prospectus they feel that it is no longer viable, or in the best interests of shareholders, to continue running the fund. The change affects the following guided-architecture products: Preference and Kudos. Affected policyholders have been written to.

Change of Objective - Schroder ISF Asian Bond Absolute Return Fund - Published: 21 Mar 2012
Published: 21 Mar 2012

The board of directors of the Schroder International Selection Fund has decided to amend the investment objective and to change the methodology for calculating the global risk exposure of the Schroder ISF Asian Bond Absolute Return Fund with effect from 2 April 2012. The changes affect the following guided-architecture products: Preference, Kudos, Prosper, Quantum, Paragon, Oracle, LifePlan. Affected policyholders have been written to to notify them of the changes.

Name & Objective Change - Schroder ISF Pacific Equity Fund - Published: 21 Mar 2012
Published: 21 Mar 2012

With effect from 2 April 2012 the Schroder ISF Pacific Equity Fund will change name to the Schroder ISF Asian Opportunities Fund. This is to reflect a change in investment objective to focus on companies in Asia rather than in the broader Pacific region. The changes affect the following guided-architecture ranges: Preference and Prosper. Affected policyholders have been written to.

Fund Closure – Selector World Shariah Value - Published: 16 Mar 2012
Published: 16 Mar 2012

The Selector World Shariah Value Fund has been closed due to significant changes in its economic situation. Values have been returned to shareholders. The changes affect the following guided-architecture ranges: Quantum, Paragon, Oracle and LifePlan. Affected policyholders have been written to.

Fund Closure – Forsyth Franco International - Published: 15 Mar 2012
Published: 15 Mar 2012

Following the suspension of the Forsyth Franco International Fund in May 2010 due to an underlying asset of the fund going into liquidation, the appointed liquidators have now advised that we have received as much of the liquidating proceeds that are available from the underlying asset. Therefore in the best interests of policyholders we will be closing the Forsyth Franco International Fund on 5 April 2012 allowing policyholders access to the recovered funds. The closure affects products sold by Scottish Provident International Life Assurance (SPILA) prior to 2004 that could only access the SPILA internal fund range. Affected policyholders have been written to to notify them of the closure and intended course of action.