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Sarasin - Growth without inflation? Immigration can help

Sarasin - Growth without inflation? Immigration can help - Published: 25 Jul 2024
Published: 25 Jul 2024

Rich economies are benefiting from higher growth with modest inflation thanks to a surge in immigration. That could boost companies’ earnings potential – and investment returns.

Pictet Asset Management - Emerging markets in the new world order

Pictet Asset Management - Emerging markets in the new world order - Published: 23 Jul 2024
Published: 23 Jul 2024

The world order of the second half of the 20th century is being turned on its head. The shift should be positive for emerging markets and thus investors in EM debt.

Schroders - What does a landslide Labour UK election win mean for the economy and markets?

Schroders - What does a landslide Labour UK election win mean for the economy and markets? - Published: 05 Jul 2024
Published: 05 Jul 2024

A secure majority government should reduce political instability for the nation, helping companies and investors to anticipate policy.

Morningstar - Fundamentals of ESG Materiality

Morningstar - Fundamentals of ESG Materiality - Published: 21 Jun 2024
Published: 21 Jun 2024

The latest thought leadership piece from Morningstar Sustainalytics delves into the materiality of ESG factors, analyzing their influence on business viability and investment strategies. 

Matthews Asia - Active Engagement and Regulatory Change in Asia is Releasing Value for Investors

Matthews Asia - Active Engagement and Regulatory Change in Asia is Releasing Value for Investors - Published: 04 Jun 2024
Published: 04 Jun 2024

We share some of the highlights from the past year that led to significant improvements in environmental protection, corporate governance, and transparency.

Robeco -  Global Climate Investing Survey 2024

Robeco - Global Climate Investing Survey 2024 - Published: 03 Jun 2024
Published: 03 Jun 2024

Investors are now becoming more knowledgeable, cautious and less naive in their approach to tackling climate change. That’s the main message from the Robeco Global Climate Investing Survey 2024, which shows greater realism on the long road to a low-carbon world.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Testing the five big insights of our 2024 Outlook

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Testing the five big insights of our 2024 Outlook - Published: 31 May 2024
Published: 31 May 2024

As we said in December: There haven’t been this many attractive investment choices to consider in more than a decade.

BlackRock -  Mega forces: An investment opportunity

BlackRock - Mega forces: An investment opportunity - Published: 24 May 2024
Published: 24 May 2024

Mega forces are big, structural changes that affect investing now - and far in the future. This creates major opportunities - and risks - for investors. This article outlines the five mega forces.

Schroders - The 3D Reset Explained

Schroders - The 3D Reset Explained - Published: 28 Mar 2024
Published: 28 Mar 2024

“The 3D Reset” refers to the three “Ds” of decarbonisation, demographics and deglobalisation. We believe these ongoing trends have had and will continue to have massive long-term implications for the global economy.

GAM Explains: SFDR

GAM Explains: SFDR - Published: 19 Mar 2024
Published: 19 Mar 2024

This article explains the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in a technical and detailed format.

Matthews Asia - CIO Investment Outlook - My Road Map for 2024

Matthews Asia - CIO Investment Outlook - My Road Map for 2024 - Published: 27 Feb 2024
Published: 27 Feb 2024

CIO Sean Taylor discusses his investment outlook for the year ahead and how he sees 2024 unfolding for emerging markets, regionally, economically and thematically.

Sarasin - Eight strategic tenets for investment success in 2024 and beyond

Sarasin - Eight strategic tenets for investment success in 2024 and beyond - Published: 27 Feb 2024
Published: 27 Feb 2024

Investment fashions come and go, but the founding principles of successful investment will outlast us all.

Pictet Asset Management - Seven trends to watch in 2024

Pictet Asset Management - Seven trends to watch in 2024 - Published: 31 Jan 2024
Published: 31 Jan 2024

The key trends to look out for in science, technology and sustainability over the next 12 months – and beyond.

Robeco - Is ESG investing more hype than help for investment portfolios?

Robeco - Is ESG investing more hype than help for investment portfolios? - Published: 26 Jan 2024
Published: 26 Jan 2024

Half a century of academic research finds that in most cases, companies that apply ESG principles tend to be higher quality and financially superior. Curiously, results are less robust for investment portfolios. We look at possible resolutions to this conundrum and also explain why our convictions on ESG and investments are as strong as ever.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management -  Investment Outlook 2024

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Investment Outlook 2024 - Published: 24 Jan 2024
Published: 24 Jan 2024

Economies have so far coped remarkably well with higher rates. Coupled with signs that pandemic-related inflation is easing, the market narrative has shifted towards the prospect of a soft landing. But we would urge caution against taking a victory lap too early. It is the “long and variable lags” in monetary policy that so often plague economic forecasters.

abrdn -  Just Transition

abrdn - Just Transition - Published: 27 Dec 2023
Published: 27 Dec 2023

Our research paper shows why a ‘just transition’ matters, highlighting actions that companies, governments and investors need to take to make it happen.

T. Rowe Price -  2024 Global Market Outlook

T. Rowe Price - 2024 Global Market Outlook - Published: 27 Dec 2023
Published: 27 Dec 2023

Key takeaways from T. Rowe Price's 2024 Global Market Outlook.

BlackRock - 2024 Global Investment Outlook

BlackRock - 2024 Global Investment Outlook - Published: 18 Dec 2023
Published: 18 Dec 2023

The new regime of greater macro and market volatility has resulted in greater uncertainty and dispersion of returns. We believe a more active approach to managing investment portfolios will carry greater rewards as a result.

Sarasin-Infinite Possibilities From A Finite Planet

Sarasin-Infinite Possibilities From A Finite Planet - Published: 22 Nov 2023
Published: 22 Nov 2023

Human ingenuity and responsible investment are crucial to addressing climate change and resource depletion. Concern about our use of the world’s finite resources is by no means new.

Pictet Asset Management - The Future of Green Buildings

Pictet Asset Management - The Future of Green Buildings - Published: 15 Nov 2023
Published: 15 Nov 2023

Greening the construction industry has become a priority but it's not clear whether the transition represents an investment opportunity. This year's The Klosters Forum sought to resolve this conundrum.

GAM - Better than the headlines - but caution is still advised

GAM - Better than the headlines - but caution is still advised - Published: 10 Nov 2023
Published: 10 Nov 2023

Andrea Quapp, investment director for multi asset class solutions (MACS) continental Europe, advises investors to look through the impact of a flood of negative news flow, including the tragic events in the Middle East and Ukraine. While people are understandably unsettled, she believes they are also overestimating the impact on the macroeconomy.

Fidelity International - How to be biodiversified

Fidelity International - How to be biodiversified - Published: 09 Nov 2023
Published: 09 Nov 2023

Better late than never, the world is waking up to the urgent threat to biodiversity and natural capital. Investors have a crucial role to play in the fight to maintain vital ecosystems - and a huge opportunity to seize.

Robeco - Net-zero enablers should be the bedrock of climate investing

Robeco - Net-zero enablers should be the bedrock of climate investing - Published: 25 Sep 2023
Published: 25 Sep 2023

Investing in companies that support the transition towards net zero brings its own trade-offs. We asked portfolio managers Chris Berkouwer and Yanxin Liu how they are making the strategy work.

Schroders -  A snapshot of the global economy in August 2023

Schroders - A snapshot of the global economy in August 2023 - Published: 18 Sep 2023
Published: 18 Sep 2023

We ask where next as US interest rates hit a 22-year high and wonder if other emerging markets may follow Chile and Brazil and cut rates.

Columbia Threadneedle - Impact Investing – Global Emerging Markets

Columbia Threadneedle - Impact Investing – Global Emerging Markets - Published: 08 Sep 2023
Published: 08 Sep 2023

We have seen the notion of shareholder primacy take the lead across the globe and become the base argument for governance of the corporate world.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Climate adaptation

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Climate adaptation - Published: 31 Aug 2023
Published: 31 Aug 2023

Investors need to understand the scale and scope of nature’s economic contribution, the wide-ranging nature dependencies of key industries, and the various ways in which nature-related adaptation can be effective. In this paper on climate adaptation, various industries and their dependency on nature are looked at.

Sarasin - It’s not like it used to be

Sarasin - It’s not like it used to be - Published: 30 Aug 2023
Published: 30 Aug 2023

2023 has been full of surprises: an impending recession that never quite happens, global equity markets that continue to rally and US technology stocks whose valuations – inflated by hopes of artificial intelligence (AI) – keep expanding.

Schroders -  Earth Overshoot Day 2023: how financial deficits aren’t the only ones investors need to worry about

Schroders - Earth Overshoot Day 2023: how financial deficits aren’t the only ones investors need to worry about - Published: 18 Aug 2023
Published: 18 Aug 2023

As of today, we have used up the planet’s natural capital budget for the year. What does this mean for investors?

abrdn -  ESG: 4 Big Sustainability Trends Investors Can't Ignore

abrdn - ESG: 4 Big Sustainability Trends Investors Can't Ignore - Published: 11 Aug 2023
Published: 11 Aug 2023

abrdn's Chief Sustainability Officer describes four big sustainability trends that will shape the way people invest for decades to come.

Matthews Asia - Why Japan is Ripe for Investment

Matthews Asia - Why Japan is Ripe for Investment - Published: 10 Aug 2023
Published: 10 Aug 2023

A challenging period for Japanese growth stocks may present a unique entry point for long-term investors.

Fidelity - Rise of artificial intelligence underlines role of ESG analysis

Fidelity - Rise of artificial intelligence underlines role of ESG analysis - Published: 12 Jul 2023
Published: 12 Jul 2023

Society is calling for protection against the threats posed by AI. Incorporating AI considerations into investors’ ESG analysis of companies will help.

Pictet Asset Management - Beyond abundance?

Pictet Asset Management - Beyond abundance? - Published: 11 Jul 2023
Published: 11 Jul 2023

For a number of reasons, we are moving to a world where natural resources previously taken for granted are becoming scarcer.

Robeco - Have your cake and eat it, too: Finding alpha in sustainability

Robeco - Have your cake and eat it, too: Finding alpha in sustainability - Published: 21 Jun 2023
Published: 21 Jun 2023

Finding alpha in sustainability. Asset owners and their stakeholders increasingly expect to achieve their financial goals while ensuring positive non-financial results for future generations as well. The key question is whether it’s possible to do both.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Principles for Effective Portfolio Construction

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Principles for Effective Portfolio Construction - Published: 13 Jun 2023
Published: 13 Jun 2023

Discover seven key strategies and a systematic framework to build portfolios that help solve investor needs.

Allianz Global Investors - Circular Food Economy as an Investment Opportunity

Allianz Global Investors - Circular Food Economy as an Investment Opportunity - Published: 06 Jun 2023
Published: 06 Jun 2023

Reducing food waste has typically been described as a “triple win” – for the economy, for food security, and for the environment. But with respect to the wide-ranging implications of food waste for companies, we should consider adding a fourth “win” as investors can draw financial benefits as well.

Matthews Asia - Market Viewpoint

Matthews Asia - Market Viewpoint - Published: 02 Jun 2023
Published: 02 Jun 2023

David Dali, Head of Portfolio Strategy, provides his 12-month outlook for global equity markets.

Schroders - The four pillars of impact investing and how they work in the real world

Schroders - The four pillars of impact investing and how they work in the real world - Published: 30 May 2023
Published: 30 May 2023

Investors can achieve the greatest positive impact with their capital by focusing on four key themes.

Fidelity - Why equity investors are rediscovering Japan

Fidelity - Why equity investors are rediscovering Japan - Published: 30 May 2023
Published: 30 May 2023

Most global investors remain unappreciative and under-allocated when it comes to Japanese stocks. But this risks missing out on the quiet but steady transformation that’s unfolding in Japan amid striking improvements in corporate earnings yields and capital returns.

Sarasin - How do we find opportunities in the high-carbon transition?

Sarasin - How do we find opportunities in the high-carbon transition? - Published: 25 May 2023
Published: 25 May 2023

As companies attempt their transition to a net-zero world, we sat down with Ben McEwen, Climate Analyst at Sarasin & Partners, to understand more about what the high-carbon transition means for investors and how we assess the credibility of companies’ climate claims.

BlackRock - Macro update: Q2 2023

BlackRock - Macro update: Q2 2023 - Published: 22 May 2023
Published: 22 May 2023

Earlier in the year a new investment playbook was needed to stay nimble in a new economic regime, where growth and inflation are likely to fluctuate. This is currently playing out in 2023, following the recent tumult in the banking sector.

Morningstar’s Guide to Sustainable Investing

Morningstar’s Guide to Sustainable Investing - Published: 24 Mar 2023
Published: 24 Mar 2023

Morningstar’s Guide to Sustainable Investing sheds light on the different approaches professional investors and managers can use to make more-informed decisions that align with investors’ sustainability motivations and objectives.

Sarasin - Six minute strategy - How deep is the crisis?

Sarasin - Six minute strategy - How deep is the crisis? - Published: 20 Mar 2023
Published: 20 Mar 2023

Flat financial markets for the first few months of 2023 belie the turmoil beneath the surface: sharp rises in interest rates are taking their toll on the banking sector, which could cause central banks to pause rate rises while they assess the damage. Guy Monson provides six minute strategy update on portfolio strategy and the outlook for global markets.

Matthews Asia - Eight Investment Ideas for 2023

Matthews Asia - Eight Investment Ideas for 2023 - Published: 13 Mar 2023
Published: 13 Mar 2023

Matthews Asia’s investment team has experience seeking out investment opportunities across all market cycles. Here are eight ideas to help you navigate today’s volatile markets

BMO -  Why Investors should care about Biodiversity

BMO - Why Investors should care about Biodiversity - Published: 07 Mar 2023
Published: 07 Mar 2023

What the Global Biodiversity Framework means for companies, investors, and nature outcomes.

Morningstar - 2022 Year in Review and 2023 Market Outlook

Morningstar - 2022 Year in Review and 2023 Market Outlook - Published: 20 Feb 2023
Published: 20 Feb 2023

Morningstar analysts and specialists put 2022′s trends for stocks, bonds, and funds into perspective—and look to the future with a fresh market outlook update.

Pictet Asset Management - Why COP-15 marks a turning point for environmental investing

Pictet Asset Management - Why COP-15 marks a turning point for environmental investing - Published: 14 Feb 2023
Published: 14 Feb 2023

The landmark UN deal on tackling biodiversity loss aims to place businesses and investors in the front line in the battle to protect nature.

Fidelity - ESG Outlook: Getting real

Fidelity - ESG Outlook: Getting real - Published: 03 Jan 2023
Published: 03 Jan 2023

Sustainable investing has been challenged on many fronts over the last 12 months and we expect conditions to remain volatile in 2023.

Sarasin - Thinking thematically: fintech and insurance at compelling valuations

Sarasin - Thinking thematically: fintech and insurance at compelling valuations - Published: 28 Dec 2022
Published: 28 Dec 2022

The plunge in growth stocks since the equity market highs of 2021 has been remarkable, providing an attractive entry point into a number of long-term structural growth themes and recession-resistant businesses.

Outlook 2023, China: will zero-Covid loosening provide a spark?

Outlook 2023, China: will zero-Covid loosening provide a spark? - Published: 22 Dec 2022
Published: 22 Dec 2022

As unrest in China over Covid restrictions grows, our experts look at what could be in store for the Chinese economy, equity and debt markets in 2023.

BlackRock - 2023 Global Investment Outlook

BlackRock - 2023 Global Investment Outlook - Published: 19 Dec 2022
Published: 19 Dec 2022

Navigating markets in 2023 will require more frequent portfolio changes and a new investment playbook. It also calls for taking more granular views by focusing on sectors, regions and sub-asset classes, rather than on broad exposures.

Columbia Threadneedle - Food security challenges put spotlight on sustainable transition

Columbia Threadneedle - Food security challenges put spotlight on sustainable transition - Published: 24 Nov 2022
Published: 24 Nov 2022

The events affecting the food system from 2020-22 have been remarkable, and may become more widespread. Tackling this brings investment opportunities.

abrdn - Power of Investment

abrdn - Power of Investment - Published: 22 Nov 2022
Published: 22 Nov 2022

Investment creates opportunity – the opportunity to change things for the better. To not only create a better future for you and your family, but also for the communities around us, the environment we live in and the industries that shape our society.

Matthews Asia - China: The After Party

Matthews Asia - China: The After Party - Published: 01 Nov 2022
Published: 01 Nov 2022

Now that the Party Congress is over, Xi Jinping has one big decision to make: return to the pragmatic policy path that made China rich and kept the Communist Party in power; or set a course for managing COVID and the economy that inhibits innovation and growth.

Sarasin - Returning to normality was never going to be easy

Sarasin - Returning to normality was never going to be easy - Published: 28 Oct 2022
Published: 28 Oct 2022

After years of extraordinarily low interest rates, the return to normality was never going to be easy. Guy Monson outlines three reasons for cautious optimism and highlights the opportunities which are likely to emerge.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - The evolution of the ESG investment landscape

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - The evolution of the ESG investment landscape - Published: 27 Oct 2022
Published: 27 Oct 2022

Strategists at J.P. Morgan Asset Management shared their views on why investors are paying more attention to ESG factors and how ESG factors can be incorporated into investment decision making.

AllianceBernstein - Pursuing Inflation Resilience in Multi-Asset Strategies

AllianceBernstein - Pursuing Inflation Resilience in Multi-Asset Strategies - Published: 22 Sep 2022
Published: 22 Sep 2022

As markets start to price in an inflation inflection point, how can multi-asset investors adapt?

GAM - The disruptive strategist - food as software

GAM - The disruptive strategist - food as software - Published: 01 Sep 2022
Published: 01 Sep 2022

Gam Investments’ Mark Hawtin considers the future of food and explains why it looks set to be one of the most exciting prospects for the next 10-15 years.

Fidelity- Running down coal mines beats selling them for real-world carbon impact

Fidelity- Running down coal mines beats selling them for real-world carbon impact - Published: 25 Aug 2022
Published: 25 Aug 2022

Mining is a good example of the complexities involved in decarbonisation. As some miners opt to sell coal assets, BHP is instead winding down one of its Australian mines. Discover why we are applauding this decision.

Schroders - Why should investors care about waste management?

Schroders - Why should investors care about waste management? - Published: 23 Aug 2022
Published: 23 Aug 2022

Waste management has long been one of society’s primary challenges. It’s an industry that’s ripe for disruption given how little it’s changed over the last few centuries.

Sarasin - House Report Q3 2022

Sarasin - House Report Q3 2022 - Published: 21 Jul 2022
Published: 21 Jul 2022

As the economic glass starts to clear we explore the host of opportunities for long-term thematic investors in our latest House Report.

Matthews Asia -  How to Invest in China Responsibly

Matthews Asia - How to Invest in China Responsibly - Published: 20 Jul 2022
Published: 20 Jul 2022

Investors in China can positively influence the behaviour of Chinese companies and generate attractive risk-adjusted returns in the long run.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Mid-Year Investment Outlook 2022

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Mid-Year Investment Outlook 2022 - Published: 14 Jul 2022
Published: 14 Jul 2022

Sustainable investing continues to gain momentum and the case for considering ESG factors remains as strong as ever. From consumers to policymakers, many economic actors are backing sustainability—creating a powerful portfolio opportunity.

Columbia Threadneedle - A circular transition for plastics

Columbia Threadneedle - A circular transition for plastics - Published: 13 Jul 2022
Published: 13 Jul 2022

This growing environmental problem is increasingly a focal point for policy at national and international level.

abrdn - EM Demographics – will ageing break a 40-year trend?

abrdn - EM Demographics – will ageing break a 40-year trend? - Published: 13 Jun 2022
Published: 13 Jun 2022

Robert Gilhooly and Edward Glossop think demography is only one factor that will determine long-term interest rates in emerging markets. In this article they look more closely at the dynamics equilibrium and interest rates.

Fidelity International - Big brands need to clean up on plastics

Fidelity International - Big brands need to clean up on plastics - Published: 06 Jun 2022
Published: 06 Jun 2022

Whether it is refillable toothpaste tubes or recycled plastic bottles, big global businesses like Colgate, Nestle and Unilever are starting to create the products and solutions the world will need for a future without plastic waste. The problem is no one is quite managing to go fast enough.


J.P. MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT - ESG Explained - Published: 30 May 2022
Published: 30 May 2022

In just a few years, ESG investing has grown in prominence. How can investors capitalize on this trend? What is ESG? The use of environmental, social and governance factors to inform investment decisions.

GAM - Efficient portfolio allocation in a time of slowing growth

GAM - Efficient portfolio allocation in a time of slowing growth - Published: 27 May 2022
Published: 27 May 2022

GAM Systematic’s Chris Longworth, Vladimir Kobelev and Guglielmo Mazzola discuss some of the topical liquid alternatives that are available to investors, and how each can play a role as constituents of a balanced portfolio.

Schroders: Active ownership Q&A: how can investors drive change?

Schroders: Active ownership Q&A: how can investors drive change? - Published: 19 Apr 2022
Published: 19 Apr 2022

What does active ownership really mean in practice? Experts from Schroders' sustainable investment team explain.

Pictet Asset Management - Water stewardship in a time of climate change

Pictet Asset Management - Water stewardship in a time of climate change - Published: 14 Apr 2022
Published: 14 Apr 2022

As the world moves from pledges to plans, it is critical we tackle the question of climate holistically. Living with climate change will mean coping with the impacts on water and taking the necessary steps to reduce the vulnerabilities of communities and economies.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management  - Saver to investor

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Saver to investor - Published: 01 Apr 2022
Published: 01 Apr 2022

Taking a patient, long-term approach to investing can help investors overcome the short-term volatility that is normal in markets. In this article, J.P. Morgan Asset Management explain their latest research into long-term investing.

MFS - Severely Disrupted Oil Market — Now What?

MFS - Severely Disrupted Oil Market — Now What? - Published: 28 Mar 2022
Published: 28 Mar 2022

In this paper, MFS dissect the issues surrounding the recent surge and volatility in oil prices.

Sarasin - The invasion of Ukraine will change the world

Sarasin - The invasion of Ukraine will change the world - Published: 04 Mar 2022
Published: 04 Mar 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an event that will determine government, foreign and military policies for many years to come - much as 9/11 did. It is impossible to be unaffected in the face of such high potential for loss of human life - we are all people before we are investors. Sarasin set out their preliminary investment response to what is happening, and the outlook for global portfolios.

Fidelity International - The value trapped in our closets

Fidelity International - The value trapped in our closets - Published: 03 Mar 2022
Published: 03 Mar 2022

Portfolio managers Velislava Dimitrova and Cornelia Furse take a look at the companies offering solutions to monetise unwanted items and extend the lives of products, outlining the environmental benefits and investment opportunities this is creating.

abrdn - How to invest to help address the world’s big challenges

abrdn - How to invest to help address the world’s big challenges - Published: 17 Feb 2022
Published: 17 Feb 2022

While some progress was made at COP26, it is clear that there is a large credibility gap between words and actions.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management  -  Women and investing

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Women and investing - Published: 25 Jan 2022
Published: 25 Jan 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on savings and investments. To find out the extent of the impact on women’s finances in particular, we asked 4,000 women across 10 European countries to tell us about their current savings situation.

PIMCO - Cyclical Outlook Key Takeaways: Investing in a Fast‑Moving Cycle

PIMCO - Cyclical Outlook Key Takeaways: Investing in a Fast‑Moving Cycle - Published: 13 Jan 2022
Published: 13 Jan 2022

A long-term focus and a rigorous approach to portfolio construction may help investors navigate uncertainty as the mid-cycle expansion advances.

Invesco - Outlook for ESG in 2022

Invesco - Outlook for ESG in 2022 - Published: 31 Dec 2021
Published: 31 Dec 2021

Real momentum is building in the environmental, social and governance space. Policymakers are raising the bar; corporates are responding to consumer trends; and the financial services industry is finding its voice. As progress accelerates, 2022 will be the year in which ESG aspirations meet implementation.

M&G Investments -  Outlook for 2022

M&G Investments - Outlook for 2022 - Published: 23 Dec 2021
Published: 23 Dec 2021

After a period of surprising outcomes for both equity and debt markets, both of which have reached record prices even after the global instability caused by COVID-19, what does 2022 hold? Jim Leaviss, CIO, Public Fixed Income, Fabiana Fedeli, CIO, Equities & Multi Asset, and Maria Municchi , multi asset Fund Manager, discussed how these issues are likely to affect their respective asset classes in their Outlook for 2022.

Matthews Asia - CIO Outlook for 2022

Matthews Asia - CIO Outlook for 2022 - Published: 16 Dec 2021
Published: 16 Dec 2021

Matthews Asia CIO Robert Horrocks, PhD, discusses the reflation of economies, inflation and deflation as a long-term trend and how these might influence different geographies and different sectors.

Schroders: Outlook 2022 - Global Economy

Schroders: Outlook 2022 - Global Economy - Published: 16 Dec 2021
Published: 16 Dec 2021

Schroders chief economist Keith Wade gives his views on the outlook for the global economy in 2022 when growth is expected to cool after a very strong 2021.

Fidelity International - ESG Outlook 2022: Three key priorities in sustainable investing

Fidelity International - ESG Outlook 2022: Three key priorities in sustainable investing - Published: 13 Dec 2021
Published: 13 Dec 2021

An investor’s guide to the year ahead across environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors - including the key themes of deforestation, the just transition and double materiality.

Alliance Bernstein - A framework for mapping modern slavery risk in investment portfolios

Alliance Bernstein - A framework for mapping modern slavery risk in investment portfolios - Published: 07 Dec 2021
Published: 07 Dec 2021

To help identify modern slavery risk, a thoughtful research framework is an important tool. It enables investors to prioritize all the companies in a portfolio’s universe—not just those currently held in the portfolio—based on their potential exposures

J.P. Morgan Asset Management -  Investment Outlook 2022

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Investment Outlook 2022 - Published: 02 Dec 2021
Published: 02 Dec 2021

After the re-opening surge in 2021, growth in 2022 will moderate and central banks and governments will begin to remove stimulus. But we are far from worried about an abrupt stop in either economic activity or policymaker support.

Allianz Global Investors - Beyond Climate: it's time for investors to protect biodiversity

Allianz Global Investors - Beyond Climate: it's time for investors to protect biodiversity - Published: 30 Nov 2021
Published: 30 Nov 2021

It has never been more important for investors to play a role in protecting and promoting the world’s natural capital.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for October 2021

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for October 2021 - Published: 25 Nov 2021
Published: 25 Nov 2021

While supply chain disruptions, labour shortages and rising energy costs persist, October saw equities around the world put in strong performances overall.

Sarasin -  Unravelling the conflicts in ‘double materiality’

Sarasin - Unravelling the conflicts in ‘double materiality’ - Published: 22 Nov 2021
Published: 22 Nov 2021

Single materiality considers the impact of climate change on the company; double materiality considers the impact of the company on climate change. Head of investment strategy Henry Boucher unravels the conflicts in ‘double materiality’ and where to draw the ‘moral’ line.

Robeco - Creating equity for all goes beyond a firm's walls

Robeco - Creating equity for all goes beyond a firm's walls - Published: 12 Nov 2021
Published: 12 Nov 2021

Covid-19 hasn’t eclipsed issues of equality at work, it’s underscored their importance. Equality for women requires thinking about equality at home and along supply chains.

BlackRock - How much can I afford to invest

BlackRock - How much can I afford to invest - Published: 20 Oct 2021
Published: 20 Oct 2021

We can thank our grandparents for their advice on understanding how to save, budget & invest. Although society has changed, the simple rules of money haven’t.

Fidelity International - Why supply chain sustainability matters

Fidelity International - Why supply chain sustainability matters - Published: 21 Sep 2021
Published: 21 Sep 2021

The power of active engagement: We believe companies should be held to account on supply chain management - alongside other environmental, social and governance issues – and therefore continue to push our investee companies to act appropriately in order to protect and enhance long-term value.

ESG is here to stay.

ESG is here to stay. - Published: 17 Sep 2021
Published: 17 Sep 2021

Investment Marketing Analyst Jon Lockyer, looks to dispel the notion that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing is a passing trend.

Aberdeen Standard Investments - The importance of ESG in small-cap investing

Aberdeen Standard Investments - The importance of ESG in small-cap investing - Published: 15 Sep 2021
Published: 15 Sep 2021

Smaller companies aren’t usually associated with good ESG practices. But dig deeper and the story is often different.

M&G Investments -  A Circular Economy: Picking The Easy Net-Zero Fruit

M&G Investments - A Circular Economy: Picking The Easy Net-Zero Fruit - Published: 14 Sep 2021
Published: 14 Sep 2021

Most nations have today accepted the challenge to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. However, if we have any intention to reach this goal, incorporating a circular economy will both be a necessity and also represent some of the easiest opportunities we will have to cut emissions.

Sarasin - The Bigger Picture: The Chinese Economy Recovery

Sarasin - The Bigger Picture: The Chinese Economy Recovery - Published: 01 Sep 2021
Published: 01 Sep 2021

The Chinese economy navigated the ramifications of the pandemic impressively.

Blackrock - Eat many colours. A balanced investment diet

Blackrock - Eat many colours. A balanced investment diet - Published: 31 Aug 2021
Published: 31 Aug 2021

Investing in funds rather than individual stocks & shares may have advantages such as lower risk & less hassle.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in August 2021

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in August 2021 - Published: 21 Aug 2021
Published: 21 Aug 2021

This month's infographic looks at pent-up consumer demand in the US, the different regional effects of climate change, and the predicament of emerging market energy exporters.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Millennials: Navigating conversations with the next generation of wealth

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Millennials: Navigating conversations with the next generation of wealth - Published: 16 Jul 2021
Published: 16 Jul 2021

Generational differences can present a challenge when navigating money management. Discover the best practices for making these conversations more fruitful.

Invesco - 2021 Mid-Year Investment Outlook

Invesco - 2021 Mid-Year Investment Outlook - Published: 09 Jul 2021
Published: 09 Jul 2021

Invesco's investment teams from around the globe provide an update to their 2021 outlook published in Dec 2020.

BMO - How to invest responsibly in the emerging market dairy industry

BMO - How to invest responsibly in the emerging market dairy industry - Published: 06 Jul 2021
Published: 06 Jul 2021

Discover the ESG implications of investing in the emerging market dairy industry.

Fidelity International -  Why we need a global ESG standard

Fidelity International - Why we need a global ESG standard - Published: 25 Jun 2021
Published: 25 Jun 2021

Fidelity International’s ESG Analyst Survey 2021 reveals that, while many companies report their ESG activities accurately, significant numbers continue to overpromote their ESG performance. To get a true picture of each company’s sustainability credentials, corporates and investors must adopt a consistent global ESG standard.

BMO - Protecting our ocean against its deadliest predator: humankind

BMO - Protecting our ocean against its deadliest predator: humankind - Published: 18 Jun 2021
Published: 18 Jun 2021

Discover how human activity threatens the ocean and how investors can drive sustainable solutions.

Aberdeen Standard Investments -  The investment case for respecting human rights

Aberdeen Standard Investments - The investment case for respecting human rights - Published: 27 May 2021
Published: 27 May 2021

The Covid pandemic has brought renewed focus on the social aspects of ESG investing. How can asset managers incorporate human rights into their approach? And what value does this add?

Sarasin -  How to stay responsible in a digital world

Sarasin - How to stay responsible in a digital world - Published: 26 May 2021
Published: 26 May 2021

While technology is key to driving economic growth, there are a number of ESG factors that responsible investors should be aware of. Sarasin’s analysts Josh Sambrook-Smith and Kwai San Wong take us through these issues.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in April 2021

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in April 2021 - Published: 21 May 2021
Published: 21 May 2021

This month's infographic looks at the economic recovery in the UK, why growth in other emerging markets may catch up with Asia, and the current wave of the virus in India.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management  -  Sustainable fashion: Why it matters, and how to identify the winners

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Sustainable fashion: Why it matters, and how to identify the winners - Published: 04 May 2021
Published: 04 May 2021

The concept of sustainability is rapidly rising up the agenda within the fashion industry. Yet while consumers are increasingly interested in sustainable fashion, they are not willing to pay a premium for it. Still, sustainability can be a competitive advantage.

Robeco - The EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Robeco - The EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) - Published: 23 Mar 2021
Published: 23 Mar 2021

In March 2021, the European Union's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) comes into force which imposes ESG disclosure and transparency requirements on investment management firms who market their funds within the EU. Here, Robeco provide insight on the implications of the new regulation.

Invesco - Appetite for change: food, ESG and the nexus of nature

Invesco - Appetite for change: food, ESG and the nexus of nature - Published: 18 Mar 2021
Published: 18 Mar 2021

In this paper, Invesco team explores food production and consumption’s position within the nexus of nature. They draw on expert insights from and interviews with representatives of Invesco and FAIRR, the foremost investor network in this space, to examine the issue through the prism of responsible investing.

Sarasin - More Good Than Harm

Sarasin - More Good Than Harm - Published: 15 Mar 2021
Published: 15 Mar 2021

A narrow focus on money is unsustainable. Too often finance has been isolated from sustainability and social and environmental concerns, placing the needs of the present above those of future generations. Henry Boucher, Chairman of the Sarasin & Partners Investment Strategy Group, explains in the Raconteur Sustainable Investment report recently published in The Sunday Times.

BlackRock - 2021 Global Outlook

BlackRock - 2021 Global Outlook - Published: 04 Feb 2021
Published: 04 Feb 2021

A new investment order - the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated profound shifts in how economies and societies operate across four dimensions: sustainability, inequality, geopolitics and the joint macro policy revolution. BlackRock Investments team believes this calls for a fundamental rethink of investment portfolios.

Matthews Asia - Fourth Quarter 2020 CIO Review and 2021 Outlook

Matthews Asia - Fourth Quarter 2020 CIO Review and 2021 Outlook - Published: 01 Feb 2021
Published: 01 Feb 2021

Matthews Asia CIO and Portfolio Manager Robert Horrocks, PhD, discusses the impact of a new Presidential administration to the U.S.-China relationship, how businesses have fared so far, growth opportunities in emerging markets countries and his 2021 outlook for Asian markets.

Pictet  Asset Management - Better for you, better for the planet - food after Covid

Pictet Asset Management - Better for you, better for the planet - food after Covid - Published: 04 Jan 2021
Published: 04 Jan 2021

Covid-19 has disrupted the food sector's supply chains and is set to change consumer eating habits for good. Pictet’s Thematic Advisory Board share their views on post-pandemic shifts in food industry.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Investment Outlook 2021: Bridge over troubled waters

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Investment Outlook 2021: Bridge over troubled waters - Published: 15 Dec 2020
Published: 15 Dec 2020

The EMEA Market Insights team expects a Covid-19 vaccine to lead to a robust recovery as 2021 progresses. Find out about the investment implications and the risks to this view.

Invesco - 2021 Investment Outlook

Invesco - 2021 Investment Outlook - Published: 14 Dec 2020
Published: 14 Dec 2020

Invesco’s investment teams from around the globe outline their expectations for 2021 to help investors plan for the coming year, wherever the markets take them.

Pictet Asset Management - A climate-aware US ushers in a new era for clean energy

Pictet Asset Management - A climate-aware US ushers in a new era for clean energy - Published: 24 Nov 2020
Published: 24 Nov 2020

In this article, Steve Freedman, Pictet’s head of sustainability and thematic research, explains how Biden’s ambitious environmental agenda will change the complexion of the battle against climate change, especially in the clean energy industry.

Fidelity International - Putting sustainability to the test: ESG outperformance amid volatility

Fidelity International - Putting sustainability to the test: ESG outperformance amid volatility - Published: 18 Nov 2020
Published: 18 Nov 2020

The first nine months of 2020 contained the first broad-based market crash, and recovery, of the sustainable investing era, and provided fertile ground for research into the relationship between sustainability and performance. Fidelity International re-tested their sustainability ratings and carried out a research update to take in the market recovery from April 2020 onwards.

BlackRock - U.S. Election: Biden Win

BlackRock - U.S. Election: Biden Win - Published: 13 Nov 2020
Published: 13 Nov 2020

Investment professionals at BlackRock Investment Institute give their market views after Biden’s win in the U.S. election.

Schroders - The four 'M's: why the 21st century belongs to Asia

Schroders - The four 'M's: why the 21st century belongs to Asia - Published: 13 Nov 2020
Published: 13 Nov 2020

Schroders’ Head of Investments Asia provides his perspective on why Asia is on course to dominate the 21st century, bringing a wealth of investment opportunity.

Ninety One - Investing in the low-carbon transition

Ninety One - Investing in the low-carbon transition - Published: 02 Nov 2020
Published: 02 Nov 2020

The transition to a low-carbon global economy is driving growth and investment opportunities, but measuring carbon impact is key. Read the latest Q&A with the strategy’s portfolio managers.

Schroders: Agents of sustainable change; how investors expect companies to be socially aware

Schroders: Agents of sustainable change; how investors expect companies to be socially aware - Published: 02 Nov 2020
Published: 02 Nov 2020

Schroders’ Global Investor Study 2020 reveals investors’ views on how companies behave and who should be responsible for mitigating climate change.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for September 2020

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for September 2020 - Published: 15 Oct 2020
Published: 15 Oct 2020

Review of global market developments in September 2020, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

M&G Investments - A decade to deliver: the SDG reckoning

M&G Investments - A decade to deliver: the SDG reckoning - Published: 06 Oct 2020
Published: 06 Oct 2020

This month marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. M&G Investments' SDG reckoner represents our assessment of progress towards delivering the goals, highlighting where ambition needs to be scaled up, and focusing on the role impact investors have to play in addressing these challenges.

Sarasin - Six minute strategy: where to for global inflation?

Sarasin - Six minute strategy: where to for global inflation? - Published: 24 Sep 2020
Published: 24 Sep 2020

Sarasin look at the global economy and the effects of both deflationary and inflationary forces, which are critical to asset markets and clients as they budget for the years ahead.

Matthew Asia - Measuring Intangibles for Asia's Growth Companies

Matthew Asia - Measuring Intangibles for Asia's Growth Companies - Published: 16 Sep 2020
Published: 16 Sep 2020

Schroders’ Portfolio Managers Taizo Ishida and Michael Oh, CFA, explore the growth drivers for Asia's new economy sectors, including how to measure and assign potential future value of intangible assets.

Survey results: ESG investing is on the up

Survey results: ESG investing is on the up - Published: 11 Sep 2020
Published: 11 Sep 2020

An RL360 survey has shown an upward trend in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing among savers in the last 12 months.

Fidelity - Overcoming fast fashion's hidden costs

Fidelity - Overcoming fast fashion's hidden costs - Published: 03 Sep 2020
Published: 03 Sep 2020

The recent controversy over the working conditions at UK clothing brand Boohoo has brought the practices of fast fashion back into the spotlight. As clothing makers churn out affordable designs at an ever-faster pace, the environmental and social costs of the fast-fashion industry are becoming clearer to both consumers and investors - and having an impact on valuations. European equities manager, Matthew Siddle looks at how investors can navigate these issues and discusses the importance of constructively engaging with the industry.

Pictet Asset Management -  Environmental Investing Journey

Pictet Asset Management - Environmental Investing Journey - Published: 02 Sep 2020
Published: 02 Sep 2020

A selection of tools and materials from Pictet Asset Management will help you or your clients get started on the environmental investing journey. These include a quiz, environmental impact calculator, e-module, articles, and environmental impact calculator.

Schroders: Everything you need to know about sustainable investing

Schroders: Everything you need to know about sustainable investing - Published: 02 Sep 2020
Published: 02 Sep 2020

Schroders clarify what some of the commonly misunderstood sustainability terms mean.

Invesco - The investment climate and what it means for markets

Invesco - The investment climate and what it means for markets - Published: 02 Sep 2020
Published: 02 Sep 2020

As economies begin to reopen, Richard Batty and David Aujla of Invesco’s Multi Asset team discuss the market impact and what investors might expect looking forward.

Fidelity International - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

Fidelity International - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 19 Aug 2020
Published: 19 Aug 2020

View a select of Fidelity International articles produced by their investment professionals relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, including how to manage your clients’ investments during this uncertain time of heightened volatility.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 19 Aug 2020
Published: 19 Aug 2020

View a selection of J.P. Morgan Asset Management articles published by their investment professionals, as they monitor global economic activity amid the COVID-19 crisis, including the production of weekly market stats.

MFS Investment Management - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

MFS Investment Management - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 19 Aug 2020
Published: 19 Aug 2020

Investment professionals at MFS Investment Management share their latest economic and market insights for the global financial markets as the world works through the effects of COVID-19.

Fidelity International - The unstoppable ascent of sustainable investing

Fidelity International - The unstoppable ascent of sustainable investing - Published: 17 Aug 2020
Published: 17 Aug 2020

The assumption that shareholder returns should be maximised at any cost has been challenged by Covid-19, further embedding sustainable investing as a future destination for asset flows. Head of Equities - Asia and Lead Cross-Asset Strategist of Schroders explore the drivers behind this transformation and their consequences for investors.

Schroders: What is the appeal of thematic investing?

Schroders: What is the appeal of thematic investing? - Published: 17 Aug 2020
Published: 17 Aug 2020

Schroder’s Investment Director David Docherty explains what thematic investing is and the growing appeal of this type of investing.

Aberdeen Standard Investments - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

Aberdeen Standard Investments - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 20 Jul 2020
Published: 20 Jul 2020

Keep up to date with Coronavirus updates and insights from investment professionals at Aberdeen Standard Investments as they monitor the impact the pandemic is having on the global markets.

Columbia Threadneedle - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

Columbia Threadneedle - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 20 Jul 2020
Published: 20 Jul 2020

Investment professionals at Columbia Threadneedle provide their opinions and insights on the markets and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Invesco - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

Invesco - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 20 Jul 2020
Published: 20 Jul 2020

We provide an ongoing selection of views and opinions from investment professionals at Invesco as they monitor the ongoing market turmoil and reactions from banks and governments to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schroders - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus

Schroders - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus - Published: 20 Jul 2020
Published: 20 Jul 2020

Investment professionals at Schroders provide their views and market stats in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on markets and economies around the world.

Fidelity - Understanding market volatility

Fidelity - Understanding market volatility - Published: 03 Apr 2020
Published: 03 Apr 2020

Markets are going through major turmoil as the world experiences the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but this is not the first time we have experienced such heightened volatility. Fidelity have provided a series of aids and interactive tools to help you understand why the long-term approach can help you in managing your clients’ investments.

BlackRock - Market plunge: This is not 2008

BlackRock - Market plunge: This is not 2008 - Published: 24 Mar 2020
Published: 24 Mar 2020

Recent market moves are reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis, but we don’t think this is a repeat. Read our thoughts in our Market Plunge bulletin.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for February 2020

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for February 2020 - Published: 11 Mar 2020
Published: 11 Mar 2020

Review of global market developments in February 2020, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

GAM Investment - Thriving Amid Stagnation

GAM Investment - Thriving Amid Stagnation - Published: 28 Feb 2020
Published: 28 Feb 2020

Stagnation is often touted as the metaphorical death knell for an economy. Julian Howard, head of multi asset solutions at GAM, suggests that there are ways to avoid the pitfalls of a slowing economy.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for January 2020

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for January 2020 - Published: 25 Feb 2020
Published: 25 Feb 2020

Review of global market developments in January 2020, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

Fidelity International - Key volatility messages for investors

Fidelity International - Key volatility messages for investors - Published: 17 Feb 2020
Published: 17 Feb 2020

Financial markets can be subject to periods of event-related volatility during which investor confidence can be significantly undermined. Fidelity International provide key messages to help investors steer their portfolios through volatile times.

Matthews Asia - Wuhan Coronavirus

Matthews Asia - Wuhan Coronavirus - Published: 14 Feb 2020
Published: 14 Feb 2020

Matthews Asia CIO Robert Horrocks and Investment Strategist Andy Rothman offer their perspectives on the Coronavirus and its possible impact on China's governance and economy.

Invesco – Global markets – 2020 outlook

Invesco – Global markets – 2020 outlook - Published: 16 Jan 2020
Published: 16 Jan 2020

A look ahead to 2020 - central banks and geopolitics to shape global economy.

Matthews Asia - Sinology

Matthews Asia - Sinology - Published: 20 Dec 2019
Published: 20 Dec 2019

In this issue of Sinology Andy Rothman, Investment Strategist, shares his views on the U.S.– China trade deal announced on Friday, 13 December and what does it mean for investors?

Investec Asset Management -  UK General Election Results

Investec Asset Management - UK General Election Results - Published: 19 Dec 2019
Published: 19 Dec 2019

Investec Asset Management portfolio managers give their views on the UK General Election result.

GAM Investment: UK election – initial thoughts

GAM Investment: UK election – initial thoughts - Published: 16 Dec 2019
Published: 16 Dec 2019

Following the unexpectedly strong election victory for Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party, some of the GAM Investment portfolio managers offer their views on how this is likely to impact markets.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for November 2019

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for November 2019 - Published: 13 Dec 2019
Published: 13 Dec 2019

Review of global market developments in November 2019, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

GAM Investment - How likely is a global recession?

GAM Investment - How likely is a global recession? - Published: 26 Nov 2019
Published: 26 Nov 2019

Economic indicators suggest a global recession is unlikely, and any resolution of the China-US trade war could provide further relief, says GAM Investments’ Charles Hepworth. However he believes the UK could be moving closer to recession territory.

Sarasin - Plant Power

Sarasin - Plant Power - Published: 26 Nov 2019
Published: 26 Nov 2019

Veganism takes a bite out of traditional food consumption. Jeneiv Shah, co-portfolio manager for Sarasin Food & Agriculture Opportunities, discusses how investors have an important part to play in this transformation.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in November 2019

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in November 2019 - Published: 26 Nov 2019
Published: 26 Nov 2019

This month's infographic looks at the outlook for US company profits and the lessons we can learn from Japan's government spending in the 1990s.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for October 2019

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for October 2019 - Published: 11 Nov 2019
Published: 11 Nov 2019

Review of global market developments in October 2019, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

Matthew Asia - Asia: riding a wave of innovation

Matthew Asia - Asia: riding a wave of innovation - Published: 10 Oct 2019
Published: 10 Oct 2019

Asia is no longer a place where everything is produced but nothing is invented, Asia is riding a wave of homegrown innovation with long-term investment implications.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in September 2019

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in September 2019 - Published: 09 Oct 2019
Published: 09 Oct 2019

In this month's infographic Schroders look at how trade wars are affecting global growth prospects.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for September 2019

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for September 2019 - Published: 08 Oct 2019
Published: 08 Oct 2019

Review of global market developments in September 2019, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

Schroders - Global Investor Study 2019

Schroders - Global Investor Study 2019 - Published: 20 Sep 2019
Published: 20 Sep 2019

Schroders Global Investor Study – Investor behaviour: do people have control of their personal finances?

Sarasin - Capitalising on the rise of the Chinese consumer

Sarasin - Capitalising on the rise of the Chinese consumer - Published: 18 Sep 2019
Published: 18 Sep 2019

Despite China's GDP growth slowing, its wealthiest people are growing richer. Growing demand for premium and luxury goods make this a desirable investment opportunity.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for August 2019

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for August 2019 - Published: 11 Sep 2019
Published: 11 Sep 2019

Review of global market developments in August 2019, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in August 2019

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in August 2019 - Published: 30 Aug 2019
Published: 30 Aug 2019

In this month's infographic we focus on why the weaker pound has failed to turbocharge the UK economy and what governments are doing to boost growth.

Sarasin - How trade made China great

Sarasin - How trade made China great - Published: 20 Aug 2019
Published: 20 Aug 2019

Sarasin economist, Niloofar Rafiei, examines how important is trade to China’s economic trajectory, and secondly, what will the future of China’s trade look like as it navigates the probable persistence in slower global trade.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for July 2019

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for July 2019 - Published: 12 Aug 2019
Published: 12 Aug 2019

Review of global market developments in July 2019, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in July 2019

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in July 2019 - Published: 12 Aug 2019
Published: 12 Aug 2019

In this month's infographic we look at what is left in central banks' arsenals to tackle any future economic downturn.

Janus Henderson - Mid-Year Market GPS

Janus Henderson - Mid-Year Market GPS - Published: 02 Aug 2019
Published: 02 Aug 2019

At the start of 2019, Janus Henderson’s investment teams identified core themes, or mega trends, considered likely to impact markets. Here, they revisit the themes with the potential to reshape the investment landscape. How have the themes played out so far this year, where do they go from here and what else should be on investors’ radar?

Matthews Asia  - The Investment Case

Matthews Asia - The Investment Case - Published: 15 Jul 2019
Published: 15 Jul 2019

Matthews Asia present a case to take a new dividend approach to Asia and find the next generation of dividend-paying companies in the world’s fastest growing region.

GAM Investments - Central Bank Risk Management

GAM Investments - Central Bank Risk Management - Published: 01 Jul 2019
Published: 01 Jul 2019

GAM Investments’ Larry Hatheway discusses whether economic activity is likely to remain resilient, what action the Fed may take from here and how this translates into an asset allocation view.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Principles for successful long-term investing

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Principles for successful long-term investing - Published: 27 Jun 2019
Published: 27 Jun 2019

J.P. Morgan present six time-tested strategies for guiding portfolios towards tomorrow’s goals, helping you convey these key messages effectively to your clients.

Matthew Asia - U.S. - China Trade Dispute

Matthew Asia - U.S. - China Trade Dispute - Published: 21 Jun 2019
Published: 21 Jun 2019

U.S. – China trade concerns continue to weigh on global markets. Matthews Asia offers its perspective on how the dispute affects the long-term investment landscape.

Henderson - Global Dividend Growth: Staying Strong

Henderson - Global Dividend Growth: Staying Strong - Published: 04 Jun 2019
Published: 04 Jun 2019

Despite worries over slowing economic growth, global dividends continue to rise. According to the latest Janus Henderson Global Dividend Index, payouts climbed by 7.8% on a headline basis during the first quarter. What’s more, global dividends look set to have another record year in 2019.

GAM Investment Solutions: Can equity gains be sustained

GAM Investment Solutions: Can equity gains be sustained - Published: 30 May 2019
Published: 30 May 2019

GAM Investment's Larry Hatheway outlines his latest multi-asset views, discussing whether markets are behaving as anticipated this year, what catalysts could change this and what the implications are for asset allocation.

Matthews Asia - Perspective

Matthews Asia - Perspective - Published: 16 May 2019
Published: 16 May 2019

Matthews Asia Portfolio Managers Teresa Kong and Satya Patel discuss the appeal of Asia corporate bonds for bond investors seeking global diversification.

GAM Investment Solutions - Seeking an earnings story

GAM Investment Solutions - Seeking an earnings story - Published: 12 Apr 2019
Published: 12 Apr 2019

GAM Investments’ Larry Hatheway outlines his latest multi-asset views, discussing whether a pullback in markets appears less likely than it did at the turn of the year, the main threats to an improvement in markets and the potential catalyst for investors to re-engage more fully in risk assets.

Sarasin - Food and Agriculture Opportunities

Sarasin - Food and Agriculture Opportunities - Published: 11 Apr 2019
Published: 11 Apr 2019

Sarasin Deputy fund manager Jeneiv Shah explores how the food economy is evolving, and how they reflect that in their food and agriculture fund.

The world in 2029

The world in 2029 - Published: 26 Feb 2019
Published: 26 Feb 2019

Through a series of charts, Fidelity International track the opportunities in the fast-growing emerging economies as they mature over the next 10 years, the introduction of a new wave of consumers, as well as some of the key environmental challenges that need to be overcome.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for December 2018

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for December 2018 - Published: 17 Jan 2019
Published: 17 Jan 2019

Review of global market developments in December 2018, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

The real impact of US trade tariffs on China

The real impact of US trade tariffs on China - Published: 14 Jan 2019
Published: 14 Jan 2019

Countries that have current account deficits are required to attract foreign capital to ‘plug the hole’. Alex Duffy assesses the real impact that the proposed US trade tariffs will have on China’s current account and what this will mean for the Chinese economy.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in November 2018

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in November 2018 - Published: 04 Dec 2018
Published: 04 Dec 2018

In this month's infographic Schroders look at the factors dragging on global growth and how much of a slowdown they might cause.

Matthews Asia - The Great China Disconnect

Matthews Asia - The Great China Disconnect - Published: 22 Nov 2018
Published: 22 Nov 2018

In this issue of Sinology Andy Rothman, Investment Strategist , shares his perspective on China and its economy and reckons that disconnection between the market, on the one hand, and macro and corporate performance, on the other hand, is likely to realign at some point.

GAM Investment Solutions -  Post- peak = Turbulent Times

GAM Investment Solutions - Post- peak = Turbulent Times - Published: 19 Nov 2018
Published: 19 Nov 2018

GAM Investments’ Larry Hatheway outlines his latest multi-asset views, discussing recent market turbulence and whether the bull market is over; the next policy moves by the Fed and ECB; as well as the upcoming US mid-term elections.

GAM Investment Solutions -  Markets in September 2018

GAM Investment Solutions - Markets in September 2018 - Published: 05 Nov 2018
Published: 05 Nov 2018

GAM Investments’ Larry Hatheway outlines his latest multi-asset views, discussing what has caused the sharp bifurcation of market performance this year, whether equity markets will be driven by rotation and fresh leadership, and the key risks to markets for the remainder of 2018.

Sarasin -  The Connected Farm

Sarasin - The Connected Farm - Published: 29 Oct 2018
Published: 29 Oct 2018

Deputy Fund Manager Jeneiv Shah explores the innovation in this new area of agriculture and how it affects investment opportunities in the sector.

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in October 2018

Schroders: An infographic view of the global economy in October 2018 - Published: 29 Oct 2018
Published: 29 Oct 2018

In this month’s infographic Schroders look at whether trade wars will end the current economic cycle and the issues facing Italy's highly indebted government.

Janus Henderson - Global Snapshot

Janus Henderson - Global Snapshot - Published: 18 Oct 2018
Published: 18 Oct 2018

The Janus Henderson Global Snapshot explores the themes driving markets, the trends to watch, market returns and metrics, and the Multi-Asset Team’s outlook for regions and sectors at last quarter end.

Matthews Asia - Asia Insight

Matthews Asia - Asia Insight - Published: 15 Oct 2018
Published: 15 Oct 2018

Matthews Asia is the largest dedicated Asia-only investment specialist in the United States. Here they provide their perspective on China’s small companies in the light of China’s new economic structural changes and likely reaction of Asia’s markets in response to the U.S.

Matthews Asia -  Is China Tanking?

Matthews Asia - Is China Tanking? - Published: 06 Aug 2018
Published: 06 Aug 2018

In this issue of Sinology Andy Rothman, Investment Strategist, focuses on the health of the largest part of the Chinese economy: domestic demand. He also explains why even a trade war would have only a modest impact on China.

Sarasin - The inexorable growth of the food economy

Sarasin - The inexorable growth of the food economy - Published: 07 Jun 2018
Published: 07 Jun 2018

Sarasin fund managers Henry Boucher and Jeneiv Shah discuss the breadth of investment opportunities generated by the inexorable growth of the food economy.

GAM Investment Solutions -  markets in February 2018

GAM Investment Solutions - markets in February 2018 - Published: 05 Apr 2018
Published: 05 Apr 2018

Chief economist and head of GAM Investment Solutions, Larry Hatheway, discusses what happened to the markets in early February, how significant the spectre of US protectionism will be and whether markets should be worried about rising inflation.

Invesco - monthly market report for January 2018

Invesco - monthly market report for January 2018 - Published: 07 Feb 2018
Published: 07 Feb 2018

Review of global market developments in January 2018, highlighting the best and worst performing sectors globally.

Matthews Asia - 2017 Year-end CIO Review and 2018 Outlook

Matthews Asia - 2017 Year-end CIO Review and 2018 Outlook - Published: 26 Jan 2018
Published: 26 Jan 2018

Matthews Asia CIO and Portfolio Manager Robert Horrocks, PhD, shares an update on the markets and considers whether current trends might continue in 2018.

Aberdeen Asset Management -  Where should investors look for opportunities in 2018?

Aberdeen Asset Management - Where should investors look for opportunities in 2018? - Published: 25 Jan 2018
Published: 25 Jan 2018

Hugh Young, Managing Director of Aberdeen Asia shares his views on opportunities for investors in 2018.

Fidelity International - Outlook 2018 - Survey Results

Fidelity International - Outlook 2018 - Survey Results - Published: 23 Jan 2018
Published: 23 Jan 2018

Fidelity International surveyed more than 240 professional investors to gain a fresh understanding of how they view the current investment landscape and how likely this is to influence their investment recommendations in 2018.

GAM Investment Solutions -The macroeconomic outlook for 2018

GAM Investment Solutions -The macroeconomic outlook for 2018 - Published: 20 Jan 2018
Published: 20 Jan 2018

Chief economist and head of GAM Investment Solutions, Larry Hatheway, discusses the macroeconomic outlook for 2018, including his expectations for global equity and bond markets, monetary policy and the biggest risks to investors in the year ahead.

Matthews Asia - Asia Insight

Matthews Asia - Asia Insight - Published: 18 Jan 2018
Published: 18 Jan 2018

In 2018, will the U.S. market continue to power up on expanding margins? If so, what does that mean for the rest of the world’s economies? Matthews Asia CIO Robert Horrocks, examines the factors behind the most likely scenarios.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management | The investment outlook for 2018: It ain’t over till the central banks sing

J.P. Morgan Asset Management | The investment outlook for 2018: It ain’t over till the central banks sing - Published: 18 Jan 2018
Published: 18 Jan 2018

Karen Ward, Chief Market Strategist for the UK and Europe, from J.P. Morgan Asset Management provides an investment outlook for 2018.

Invesco - Global Economic Outlook 2018

Invesco - Global Economic Outlook 2018 - Published: 03 Jan 2018
Published: 03 Jan 2018

John Greenwood, Invesco Ltd’s Chief Economist, outlines his views on developments in global economies.

Aberdeen Asset Management - Emerging markets: The risks have changed

Aberdeen Asset Management - Emerging markets: The risks have changed - Published: 14 Jul 2017
Published: 14 Jul 2017

In this changing world the Emerging markets have also changed over the last 30 years. Here at Aberdeen Asset Management they believe it’s time to change perception about emerging markets.

Janus Capital Group Inc. and Henderson Group plc complete merger of equals

Janus Capital Group Inc. and Henderson Group plc complete merger of equals - Published: 11 Jul 2017
Published: 11 Jul 2017

On 30 May 2017 Janus Capital Group Inc. and Henderson Group plc announced the completion of an all-stock merger of equals to form Janus Henderson Group plc (Janus Henderson).

RL360 Fund centres - Data feed changes to Morningstar®

RL360 Fund centres - Data feed changes to Morningstar® - Published: 03 Feb 2017
Published: 03 Feb 2017

A redevelopment of our guided-architecture Fund centres mean we have swapped our data supplier to highly-regarded company Morningstar®. This introduces more in-depth fund analysis and an enhanced level of functionality that will surely impress you. We’ve extended the tools to your clients too!

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for period November 2016

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for period November 2016 - Published: 12 Dec 2016
Published: 12 Dec 2016

Fund Managers from Invesco Asset Management provide a regional roundup of market activity from November 2016.

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for period October 2016

Invesco - Monthly Market Report for period October 2016 - Published: 09 Nov 2016
Published: 09 Nov 2016

Fund Managers from Invesco Asset Management provide a regional roundup of market activity from October 2016.

Standard Life Investments - Q2 2016 Global Review

Standard Life Investments - Q2 2016 Global Review - Published: 22 Sep 2016
Published: 22 Sep 2016

What happened in the global markets during Q2 2016? Click here to read Standard Life Investments' economic analysis.

Schroders - Bond Investors post-Brexit options

Schroders - Bond Investors post-Brexit options - Published: 22 Sep 2016
Published: 22 Sep 2016

Paul Grainger, fixed income manager for Schroders gives his view on the options bond investors have in the current market in which Brexit has come to increase the already high level of uncertainty.

J.P.Morgan - Analyzing the Post Brexit landscape

J.P.Morgan - Analyzing the Post Brexit landscape - Published: 07 Sep 2016
Published: 07 Sep 2016

J.P.Morgan experts assess the post Brexit Q1 earnings season and also consider the weigh Brexit implications will have on the economic and investment fronts.

Brexit - Fund Manager reactions post Referendum

Brexit - Fund Manager reactions post Referendum - Published: 04 Jul 2016
Published: 04 Jul 2016

After the announcement on Friday 24 June 2016 that the UK voted to exit Europe, fund managers published their immediate views on what they thought this meant for the UK and the impact on their funds. Read their reactions here.

Opportunities to Invest in Small & Medium-Cap Funds

Opportunities to Invest in Small & Medium-Cap Funds - Published: 16 Mar 2016
Published: 16 Mar 2016

Investors might think there is safety in investing in the shares of large established companies, but should the small and mid-cap companies be overlooked?

Invesco Perpetual - Investing in UK Smaller Companies

Invesco Perpetual - Investing in UK Smaller Companies - Published: 29 Feb 2016
Published: 29 Feb 2016

Jonathan Brown, UK Equities Fund Manager at Invesco Perpetual shares his views on stock picking UK smaller companies which he believes have the resilience to weather the global storm.

Matthews Asia - Asia Insight

Matthews Asia - Asia Insight - Published: 15 Feb 2016
Published: 15 Feb 2016

Matthews Asia believes in long-term growth of Asia and is the largest dedicated Asia-only investment specialist in the United States. Matthews Asia funds have recently been added to our guided-architecture products Quantum, Oracle, Paragon and LifePlan. Here they provide their views on investment opportunities that exist in Asia.

Guinness Asset Management - Why Invest in Asia?

Guinness Asset Management - Why Invest in Asia? - Published: 15 Feb 2016
Published: 15 Feb 2016

The Asia region is made up of a mix of advanced, high-income economies and newly industrialised countries that are home to 54% of the world’s population. Industrialisation brings with it increased wealth, improved standards of living and a vast consumer market that attracts both domestic and international brands. Here Guinness specialists give their views on what makes Asia different.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Investing in Smaller Companies

J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Investing in Smaller Companies - Published: 15 Feb 2016
Published: 15 Feb 2016

Here J.P. Morgan’s Head of Investment Trusts, Simon Crinage, explains what potential there is in investing in small and mid cap shares, with particular reference to the UK, where the younger companies have the potential to thrive.

Schroders - China's strong growth, but fragile foundations

Schroders - China's strong growth, but fragile foundations - Published: 10 Aug 2015
Published: 10 Aug 2015

Schroders Emerging markets Economist Craig Botham gives his views on chinese growth and why he is still skeptical about the future.

The Outlook for Greece

The Outlook for Greece - Published: 14 Jul 2015
Published: 14 Jul 2015

Compilation of articles of experts from Fidelity and Henderson analysing the Greek economic outlook and mentioning probable outcomes for the whole situation.

Guinness - Investing in companies with innovation in their DNA

Guinness - Investing in companies with innovation in their DNA - Published: 28 Nov 2014
Published: 28 Nov 2014

Guinness Asset Management, who has just launched a UCITs version of its highly rated Guinness Atkinson Global Innovators Fund, reveals what it looks for when it comes to searching for the most innovative companies.

Hashtag healthcare - it's trending

Hashtag healthcare - it's trending - Published: 18 Nov 2014
Published: 18 Nov 2014

Following our annual fund review and due to popular demand we are pleased to give you access to healthcare, biotechnology and life science equity funds within our Oracle, Paragon, Quantum and LifePlan products for the first time.

The rise in renewable energy

The rise in renewable energy - Published: 18 Nov 2014
Published: 18 Nov 2014

Following our annual fund review we are pleased to give you access to a renewable energy fund alongside our regular energy funds within the Oracle, Paragon, and Quantum fund ranges.

Guinness - Investing in global energy

Guinness - Investing in global energy - Published: 03 Nov 2014
Published: 03 Nov 2014

Guinness Asset Management explain why the implications of population growth and increasing energy consumption are profound for investors in both traditional energy and alternative energy, and why the long term consumption of energy has huge supply and demand implications now and for the future.

Guinness - Dividends matter

Guinness - Dividends matter - Published: 03 Nov 2014
Published: 03 Nov 2014

Guinness Asset Management explain why it is important to focus on a value approach with regard to the equity income sector, and why a basket of dividend-paying, quality companies should be a staple in any portfolio.

Henderson - Assets aligned

Henderson - Assets aligned - Published: 21 Jul 2014
Published: 21 Jul 2014

Hendersons’ Chris Burvill, Manager of the Henderson Cautious Managed Fund, discusses walking the narrow path between equities and bonds and why multi-asset funds have a core role to play in a volatile market.

Henderson - A simple guide to volatility

Henderson - A simple guide to volatility - Published: 14 Jul 2014
Published: 14 Jul 2014

Henderson provide a simple explanation about volatility, the importance it plays when selecting funds and why diversification should be considered in order to help spread risk within a clients’ portfolio.

Sarasin - Four frogs and a fridge

Sarasin - Four frogs and a fridge - Published: 23 Jul 2013
Published: 23 Jul 2013

Henry Boucher, Deputy Chief Investment Officer at Sarasin & Partners and manager of the Sarasin AgriSar fund explains what the Victorians, frogs and long-term trends in the global food chain all have in common.

Renaissance - Africa's momentum has just begun

Renaissance - Africa's momentum has just begun - Published: 05 Jul 2013
Published: 05 Jul 2013

Ron Gillies of Renaissance Asset Managers looks at what growth prospects Africa can offer in the emerging markets sector.

Fidelity - Asset allocation; strategic or tactical?

Fidelity - Asset allocation; strategic or tactical? - Published: 10 Oct 2012
Published: 10 Oct 2012

Steven Edgley, Investment Director - Investment Solutions Group, Fidelity, shares his views regarding asset allocation.

Pictet - A brief update on gold

Pictet - A brief update on gold - Published: 31 Aug 2012
Published: 31 Aug 2012

Chloe Koos Dunand, econimist at Pictet, discusses the recent demand for gold and some of the key reasons for its success.

BlackRock - Peering through the hedge

BlackRock - Peering through the hedge - Published: 30 Jul 2012
Published: 30 Jul 2012

Claire Duffy, head of strategic alliances at BlackRock, takes the time to explain BlackRock's views on currency hedging, risk, and its role in the value of total returns.

Pictet - Quenching the world's thirst

Pictet - Quenching the world's thirst - Published: 30 May 2012
Published: 30 May 2012

Philippe Rohner, senior investment manager of the Pictet Water fund, highlights the importance of better water provision, the current imbalance between supply and demand and the potential opportunities.

Sarasin - 7 billion and counting

Sarasin - 7 billion and counting - Published: 30 Apr 2012
Published: 30 Apr 2012

Henry Boucher, Sarasin agrisar fund manager, examines the world's population, its impact on global resources and the associated opportunities.

GAM - Asia's global influence grows

GAM - Asia's global influence grows - Published: 30 Mar 2012
Published: 30 Mar 2012

Michael Lai, investment director of asian funds at GAM, shares his views on asian countries extending their political and economic influence and what this means for the future.

Henderson - What is Absolute Return?

Henderson - What is Absolute Return? - Published: 30 Oct 2011
Published: 30 Oct 2011

Ben Wallace and Luke Newman, UK absolute return fund managers at Henderson, take the time to explain a little bit more about absolute return strategies.

Loomis, Sayles & Co - Bond market perspectives

Loomis, Sayles & Co - Bond market perspectives - Published: 30 Mar 2011
Published: 30 Mar 2011

Kathleen Gaffney, multi-sector bond portfolio manager, examines how the current economic climate is impacting on the bond sector.